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CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING & PUBLIC HEARING (AUGUST 15, 2016 6 PM) 7/18/2016 The Dayton City Council will hold a Special Meeting and Public Hearing on August 15, 2016 at 6 pm, Dayton City Hall, Council Chambers, 111 S. 1st Street, Dayton, WA 99328. to consider Proposed Ord. 1899 on 8/15/16. The ordinance is to "Dissolve the Dayton Register South Side Historic District (SSHD) and Dayton Register Washington Street Historic District (WSHD), repeal zoning overlay restrictions, and amend Zoning Overlay Maps, deleting the WSHD & SSHD." Proposed text of Ordinance No. 1899 repealing all local historic residential districts and their zoning overlays by repealing Ord. 1785 as codified in DMC 5-18.38, 5-18.39, and 5-18.40; City Council Motion of 2/9/2009; Ord 1841 Section 2 Attach. B Sections 11-07.020 and 11-07.030, and Ord. 1873a, Section 1, Subsection DR14-003 as codified in DMC 11.07.020 and 11-07.030; and Amending Ord. 1873a Section 1, Subsection DR14-007 Attach. J-1 and J-2; and deleting all local historic residential districts on zoning overlay maps, in compliance with RCW36.70a (GMA). Public Hearing Testimony - Written testimony may be submitted to the Planning Director at the address below prior to the public hearing, or may be submitted during the open public hearing along with oral testimony at the hearing. Documents available: Environmental checklist, National and Local Historic Inventories and Nominations, SMP Inventory, district survey and other relevant documents are available at City Hall and under the library tab of this "EZ View" website. Refer questions to the contact below. Contact/Responsible Official: Karen Scharer, Planning Director, Dayton City Hall, 111 S. 1st St., Dayton, WA 99328 (T) 509-540-6747 Email: kscharer@daytonwa.com.