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City Issues a Determination of Nonsignificance (DNS) (Ord. 1899 ) 7/18/2016 Description of Proposal: Dissolve the Dayton Register South Side Historic District (SSHD) and Dayton Register Washington Street Historic District (WSHD), repeal zoning overlay restrictions, and amend Zoning Overlay Maps, deleting the WSHD & SSHD. (Non-Project Action) Location of Proposal: WSHD - Generally properties on the north side of E. Washington Ave., addressed 115 through 409). SSHD - Properties within the general area south of E. Clay St., west of S 3rd St., north of E. Park St., and, to the east and west of S. 1st St. Proponent/Lead Agency: City of Dayton SEPA DNS: Under the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) and WAC 197-11-340(2) a DNS was issued on 7/20/2016 by the responsible official. After review of the environmental checklist and information on file with City of Dayton, the responsible official determined the proposal does not have a probable significant adverse impact on the environment. An environmental impact statement (EIS) is not required under RCW 43.21C.030 (2)(c). The City will not act on the proposal until close of the comment/appeal periods, and appeals are concluded. Comments and/or appeals of the DNS must be filed before 4 pm, 8/4/2016 at the Dayton City Hall, address below. See DMC 10-06.040 for appeal procedures. Documents available: Environmental Checklist, Notice of DNS, Proposed Ord. 1899, National and Local Historic Inventories and Nominations, SMP Inventory, district survey and other relevant documents are available under the "Library" Tab of this "EZ View" project website. Refer questions to the contact below. Contact/Responsible Official: Karen Scharer, Planning Director, Dayton City Hall, 111 S. 1st St., Dayton, WA 99328 (T) 509-540-6747 Email: kscharer@daytonwa.com.