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[Portal ID #1948]

GMA WAC Update – Agriculture Activities in Critical Areas

Here's what's happening
10/4/2017  -  Commerce Adopts Rule   
The Department of Commerce has concluded its rulemaking process with amendments to WAC 365-196, Procedural Critera for Adopting Comprehensive Plans and Development Regulations.  The new rules address issues related to the Voluntary Stewardship Program (VSP) and critical areas reagulations for agricultural activities.  The rules also amend WAC 365-196-850, Impact Fees, changing the definition of Fire protection facilities to remove the restriction for the use of impact fees for...
8/14/2017  -  Public Hearing on Draft Rule  (Teleconference Option Added) 
A public hearing is scheduled for August 23, 2017, beginning at 10am in Building 5, Room 307 at the Department of Commerce's Olymipa Office. We have added a teleconference option if you are unable to attend in person. 
The call in number for the public hearing is:  (360) 407-3780       The PIN Code is:  662300#
Formal comments will be accepted until 5pm on August 23rd, 2017. Please send comments to: scott.kuhta@commerce.wa.gov, or...
7/17/2017  -  Draft Rule Issued for Comment  (Public Hearing Scheduled) 
The Washington State Department of Commerce has issued a formal draft rule for review and comment.  The draft rule language proposes to amend WAC 365-196, Procedural Criteria for Adopting Comprehensive Plans and Develoment Regulations. 
The proposed rule provides guildance on the Voluntary Stewardship Plan (VSP) and developing critical areas regulations where agricultural activities take place. 
A public hearing is scheduled for August 23, 2017,...
5/25/2017  -  Webinar Annoucement - WA Dept Commerce GMA Rule Update  (Agricultural Activities in Critical Areas) 
The WA Department of Commerce Growth Management Services is hosting an informational webinar to discuss the preliminary rule update to WAC 365-196. The webinar is an opportunity for public discussion and questions before the formal public comment period begins. If you are interested in participating in the webinar on Thursday, June 1st at 10am, please contact Gen Dial at gen.dial@commerce.wa.gov or 509-218-2934.
Initial comments on the prelimimary draft of the State Department of Commerce rule update to WAC Chapter 365-196 are due by May 26th. Please visit the 'Library' tab to preview the draft rule update document. Please send comments to WACupdate@www.commerce.wa.gov
5/3/2017  -  Growth Managemet Act Rule Update  (Agricultural Activities in Critical Areas) 
The Washington State Department of Commerce is updating rules to provide additional guidance and clarfication on implementation of the Voluntary Stewardship Program and the protection of critical areas where agricultural activities take place. Please visit the Library tab to find the preliminary rule update document and to review the draft WAC amendments.
4/6/2017  -  AG-CAO WAC Update  (Advisory Committee Meeting) 
The Ag-CAO WAC Advisory Committee met on March 28, 2017 at the Department of Commerce in Olympia to review WACs 365-190, 365-191 and 365-196. The Committee drafted language to revise and update implementing WACs to adequately address the protection of critical areas in agricultural areas.
2/6/2017  -  Ag-CAO WAC Update  (Advisory Committee Meeting) 
The Ag-CAO WAC Advisory Committee met on Janaury 30, 2017 at the Department of Commerce in Olympia to review WACs 365-190, 365-191 and 365-196. The Committee brainstormed a list of issues that may need to be clarified in the implementing WACs to adequately address the protection of critical areas in agricultural areas.
2/6/2017  -  Ag-CAO WAC Update  (Advisory Committee Meeting) 
The next meeting of the Ag - CAO Advisory Committee will be held on March 8, 2017 in Olympia at the Department of Commerce. The Committee will continue to review WACs 365-190, 365-191, and 365-196 to ensure they adequately address the protection of critical areas in agricultural areas.
11/21/2016  -  Project Update  (Critical Areas Development Regulations Summary Report) 
Commerce conducted research and produced a report summarizing critical areas ordinances in twelve non-VSP counties and how they relate to agricultural activities. The report also summarizes agricultural and critical areas cases that went before the Growth Management Hearings Board, the Washington Court of Appeals, and the Washington Supreme Court.
This summary report will support the work of the advisory committe as they develop a draft rule to provide guidance on regulating...