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[Portal ID #1962]

Department of Ecology
Committees, Boards, and Workgroups

WRIA Adjudication Information

Adjudication is a legal process. It is the foundation for resolving conflicts and competition over water resources. The process begins by serving a summons to all property owners (claimants) in WRIA 1 who are outside the service area of public water supply systems.  The claimants will have one year or more to submit a court claim form to the Whatcom County Superior Court that describes their water usage.

In the following years, the court will review the forms and inventory all legal water rights. The adjudication process will determine whether each water right on a source is legal, how much water can be used, and its priority during water shortages. Then, over time, Ecology will issue adjudicated certificates for all these uses. 

The adjudication will include all areas of WRIA 1, regardless of whether they are directly connected to the Nooksack River system. Use our Watershed look-up tool to learn if your address is within WRIA 1.  

Table of Contents

WRIA 1 Adjudication Information - March 2025

WRIA 1 Filing Documents With Whatcom County Superior Court - May 2024

At the direction of the Washington State Legislature, Ecology filed a water rights adjudication for the Water Resource Inventory Area (WRIA). This filing involves Ecology submitting legal documents with the Whatcom County Superior Court.

 This formally starts the adjudication process and establishes the Court’s jurisdiction.  Affected water users will not have to act at the time of filing. They will be notified by a summons later this year that will be sent via certified mail.


Please note these documents are historical and may not reflect the most current information. For the latest updates please refer to the 2025 documents above. 


Monthly newsletters are sent to provide the most up-to-date information on this adjudication of water rights in WRIA 1 (Nooksack Area) in parts of Whatcom and Skagit Counties. Below, you can find all of the past newsletters and the subjects they covered:

*Please be advised that some information on the newsletters is now out-of-date. We recommend that you refer to the highlighted topics or more recent newsletters for the most up-to-date information.




Information about the approved court claim form 

December 2024 

New video about the WRIA 1 adjudication process; Court claim form mailing details 

November 2024 

Court claim form update, accessing more information 

October 2024 

Water use calculator, how defendants were identified 

September 2024 

Claimants defined, when can I file my court claim form 

August 2024 

First Superior Court hearing, well report information 

July 2024 

Adjudication fees, what if I don’t file a court claim form? 

June 2024 

Water rights documents, the WRIA 1 boundary 

May 2024 

Filing of the adjudication, adjudications in other states 

April 2024 

Why are we adjudicating? Homes on wells 

March 2024 

Receiving a summons, ways to file a court claim form 

February 2024 

Permit-exempt wells, who needs to file a court claim form? 

January 2024 



Future water needs, water rights definitions 

December 2023 

What is a water right, and how do I know if I have one? 

November 2023 

Welcome to the newsletter, let’s talk about adjudication 

October 2023 




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