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CURRENT     3/14/2012

The Project Subcommittee has met in person 6 times, and participated in one conference call since September 9, 2011.  During this time, the Project Subcommittee has developed a matrix of 138 projects that will provide flood relief in the Chehalis River Basin.  This matrix includes flood related projects that were extracted from flood planning documents throughout the Chehalis River Basin.  A total of 15 different documents provided the source material.  These sources include:


Chehalis Flood Authority Project List May 2011
New Projects Proposed by Flood Authority Jurisdictions (11/22/2010)
Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation CFHMP (3/17/2009)
Chehalis River Basin Draft Comprehensive Flood Management Plan (June 2010)
Centralia Comprehensive Flood Management and Natural Hazards Mitigation (4/2011)
Thurston County Annual Progress Report – Implementing Flood Hazard Mitigation Initiatives in the Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan (8/11/2011)
City of Aberdeen Public Works Master Project List (January 2011)
ACOE Mitigation Projects in the Chehalis Basin
Grays Harbor County Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan 2001
City of Chehalis Email from Bob Nacht 10/10/2011
Lewis County Comprehensive Flood Hazard Management Plan
Grays Harbor County Draft Hazard Mitigation Plan 2011
Description of Potential Enhancement Projects in Upper Chehalis Watershed
Chehalis Basin Watershed Management Plan
Chehalis Basin Partnership – Multi-Purpose Water Storage Assessment
The projects have been sorted into nine different sections with respect to "Project Type".  The matrix is otherwise not prioritized, and is meant to serve as a baseline of projects for potential future funding.
The proposed goal of this matrix is:
"The purpose of this matrix of projects is to reflect the Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority's priorities to provide flood relief and protection in the basin."

At the March 15 Flood Authority meeting, the Project Subcommittee will be asking the Flood Authority to provide recommendations on:
1. Proposed Goal
2. Overall Approach of assembling the matrix of projects
3. Additional projects for the matrix
4. Additional sourses that should be reviewed
Upon approval of the approach and scope of the Project Matrix, the goal of the Project Subcommittee will be to add:
1.  More detailed description of the projects, including precise location
2.  Estimated cost
3.  Flood benefit
4.  Stage of readiness

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