2015-17 Funding -- Flood Authority authorized $12,500 at their 10/20/2016 meeting (see 11/03/2016 FINAL signed funding agreement here).
Project Financials -- See separate project financials website here.
Description -- City of Chehalis is proposing to demolish its old wastewater treatment plant to create flood storage capacity in the floodplain of the Chehalis River. The project consists of the following four major Phases:
Demo/remove wastewater facility.
Create 10-acres wetland habitat.
Monitor wetland/flood storage.
Install recreational amenities.
Funding is currently sought for Phase 1 ($2,823,380). The Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority has authorized initial funding of $12,500 to model and document the flood storage benefits of the project before authorizing full funding for the project. Should the modelling support the project this agreement will be modified and amended to complete Phase I.