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[Portal ID #1749]

Lewis County - Airport Levee Project

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(2/25/2013) Update from Rob Lakey     4/14/2013

Phase IA (Base Widening without Corps wetland/waterway jurisdictional impact) – Base widening along the entire levee can be widened without impact to Corps jurisdictional waterways (manmade ditch) along the inside of the levee.  However, the top width (33-ft typical width for future 100-yr) will narrow to 24-ft in some areas to avoid ditch impacts.  Phase IA plans are permit ready and will be submitted for SEPA review this week.  Lewis County has contracted with SWCA for archaeological coordination and monitoring during construction.  Lewis County and SWCA will meet with the DAHP on Feb 28 to identify all elements needed for a construction permit that will satisfy Executive Order 05-05 (protection of cultural resources).  Phase IA is tentatively planned to start construction on June 3, 2013 via competitive bid by contractor.

Phase IB (Base Widening in areas with impact to Corps jurisdiction) – Phase IB plans will be prepared and submitted within the next 75-days.  This phase will require Corps review and concurrence for remaining project work not completed in Phase IA.  Manmade ditch lines inside the levee will be shifted to accommodate the widened footprint (for future 100-yr levee height).  All ditch areas shifted  will be designed to maintain conveyance function.  Cultural resource review will also be coordinated through the Corps in this phase.

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