On Wednesday, January 8, 2020, from 3PM to 4PM, Ecology hosted a webinar for STAG members to share comments and ask questions about a proposed new tool for ranking and assessing contaminated sites. The webinar was facilitated by Elizabeth McManus of Ross Strategic, who was joined by several design team members who developed the tool. The public was invited to listen online and submit questions by chat. Download a PDF of the slide deck.
What's the new tool?
The Model Toxics Control Act (MTCA) requires Ecology to “establish a hazard ranking system for hazardous waste sites” (RCW 70.105D.030 (2)(b)). We're developing the new Site Hazard Assessment and Ranking Process (SHARP) Tool to replace the Washington Ranking Method (WARM)--our current ranking procedure that has remained unchanged since 1993. This change will implement planned updates to Sections 173-340-310 through -330 of the Cleanup Rule, which we expect to become effective in 2021.
Learn more in our memo for STAG members about the Site Hazard Assessment and Ranking Process (SHARP) Tool.
Will there be more webinars?
Depending on feedback, we may plan additional events to provide more background on the SHARP Tool, site ranking, and listing.
If you have questions about the SHARP Tool or webinar...
Please contact Clint Stanovsky at Clinton.Stanovsky@ecy.wa.gov and Eileen Webb at Eileen.Webb@ecy.wa.gov.