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[Portal ID #1988]

MTCA Cleanup Rule

Here's what's coming up
10/13/2022 - Comments on Preliminary Draft 2 Rule Changes (First Rulemaking AO#18-09)
September 8, 2022. During the First MTCA Cleanup Rule Update (AO#18-09, Chapter 173-340 WAC) STAG members began reviewing four versions of the second preliminary draft rule language called PD 2. The four versions contained the same draft rule changes; the four alternative presentations were designed to aid STAG's review. Ecology's briefing pap ...
9/30/2022 8:30 AM - STAG Discussion Meeting No. 2
AGENDA PD 2 Discussion No. 2 Agenda for Friday, Sept. 30, 2022 (8:30 am -12:00 noon) REGISTRATION FOR PUBLIC To join the Zoom webinar on Sept 30, 2022 08:00 AM Pacific Time register in advance for at: https://www.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_wgzr0wNWRUOLGf45JNxzOQ.  Meeting will start at 8:30 am. After registering, you will receive a confirm ...
9/26/2022 1:00 PM - STAG Discussion Meeting No. 1
AGENDA PD 2 Discussion No. 1 Agenda for Monday, September 26, 2022 (1 pm - 4:30 pm) REGISTRATION FOR PUBLIC To join the Zoom webinar on Sept 26, 2022 01:00 PM Pacific Time register in advance at: https://www.zoomgov.com/webinar/register/WN_Th3mW0ZJQeOxqRXDzjo5ew. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about j ...
9/14/2022 1:00 PM - STAG Briefing Meeting
AGENDA MEETING NOTES MEETING RECORDING Link to the STAG briefing recording:  https://www.zoomgov.com/rec/share/qkjXgYXuCup8Spb-jCmYm6UKW4lbGnPizoLTPOr47qqh4ZV5wFyPSXnBZdMWj7_U.NbaAqsrJR9woT5NK Passcode: ae1w=n+m PROPOSED RULE CHANGES Version 1 shows tracked changes from the first preliminary draft, with footnotes providing additional expl ...
9/9/2022 1:00 PM - STAG Reorientation Meeting
AGENDA MEETING NOTES MEETING RECORDING Link to the STAG reorientation meeting recording:  https://www.zoomgov.com/rec/share/qkjXgYXuCup8Spb-jCmYm6UKW4lbGnPizoLTPOr47qqh4ZV5wFyPSXnBZdMWj7_U.NbaAqsrJR9woT5NK  Passcode: G@R@mc39 PROPOSED RULE CHANGES Version 1 shows tracked changes from the first preliminary draft, with footnotes providi ...
12/31/2021 - Comments on Preliminary Draft Rule Changes (First Rulemaking AO#18-09)
STAG members and their constituents are providing comments during the First MTCA Cleanup Rule Update, AO#18-09, Chapter 173-340 WAC, based on preliminary draft rule changes prepared by Ecology.  Topic headings link to review packets Ecology staff prepared for the advisory group.  Comments are grouped by rule sections, in the order they were di ...
7/22/2020 1:30 PM - STAG Supplemental Zoom webinar on Disproportionate Cost Analysis
Online & Phone
Agenda STAG Webinar Agenda Supporting Materials  DCA Webinar Examples DCA Webinar Powerpoint Presentation The purpose of the webinar is to help STAG members better understand how to conduct a disproportionate cost analysis (DCA) to determine which cleanup action alternative is permanent to the maximum extent practicable. This analys ...
6/25/2020 8:15 AM - STAG Meeting No. 5C
Online & Phone
As we continue to prepare for the next STAG meeting, we will update this page with the necessary information. This page was last updated 6/22/20. AGENDA MEETING NOTES PROPOSED RULE CHANGES PDF: Sections 350, 360, and 370: Preliminary draft rule (distributed May 27, 2020) Word: Sections 350, 360, and 370: Preliminary draft rule  ...
6/8/2020 8:00 AM - STAG Meeting No. 5B
Online & Phone
As we continue to prepare for the next STAG meeting, we will update this page with the necessary information. This page was last updated 6/8/20. AGENDA (draft subject to revision) MEETING NOTES PROPOSED RULE CHANGES PDF: Sections 350, 360, and 370: Preliminary draft rule (distributed May 27, 2020) Word: Sections 350, 360, and ...
5/28/2020 9:00 AM - STAG Meeting No. 5A
Online & Phone
As we continue to prepare for the next STAG meeting, we will update this page with the necessary information. This page was last updated 7/6/20. AGENDA (draft subject to revision) MEETING NOTES PROPOSED RULE CHANGES  PDF: Sections 350, 360, and 370: Preliminary draft rule (distributed May 27, 2020) Word: Sections 350, 360, and ...
3/5/2020 9:00 AM - STAG Meeting No. 4
Embassy Suites in Bellevue -and- Online by Zoom
AGENDA (draft subject to revision) MEETING NOTES   PROPOSED RULE CHANGES (STAG responses and comments due to Ecology by Wednesday, April 15, 2020) Section 340: Biennial Program Report. Preliminary draft, Chapter 173-340 WAC (distributed Feb 25, 2020) WORD: Sections 350 and 360: Environmental Justice in Remedy Selection memo (distributed Ma ...
1/30/2020 9:00 AM - STAG Meeting No. 3
Embassy Suites Hotel, 3225 158th Ave SE, Bellevue WA
AGENDA  MEETING NOTES PROPOSED RULE CHANGES (STAG responses and comments due to Ecology by 5PM Monday, March 2, 2020) Section 300: Site Discover & Reporting. Preliminary draft, Chapter 173-340 WAC (distributed Jan 17,2020) Section 450: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks. Preliminary draft, Chapter 173-340 WAC (distributed Jan 17, 2020) Secti ...
1/8/2020 3:00 PM - Webinar: Site Hazard Assessment and Ranking Process (SHARP) Tool
On Wednesday, January 8, 2020, from 3PM to 4PM, Ecology hosted a webinar for STAG members to share comments and ask questions about a proposed new tool for ranking and assessing contaminated sites.  The webinar was facilitated by Elizabeth McManus of Ross Strategic, who was joined by several design team members who developed the tool.  The public ...
11/21/2019 9:00 AM - STAG Meeting No. 2
Embassy Suites Hotel, 3225 158th Ave SE, Bellevue WA
AGENDA MEETING NOTES ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE MATERIALS Environmental Justice PowerPoint presentation by Millie Piazza, Ecology's EJ Coordinator Environmental Justice Glossary from EPA Environmental Justice video from the Khan Academy (open in Firefox, Chrome, or MS Edge browsers) Environmental Justice video, "Greening the G ...
9/25/2019 9:00 AM - STAG Meeting No. 1 - Kickoff Meeting
Embassy Suites Hotel, 3225 158th Ave SE, Bellevue WA
AGENDA  MEETING NOTES CHARTER MEMBER ROSTER HOTEL DIRECTIONS BACKGROUND ON THE CLEANUP RULE STAG Meeting Workplan Science Advisory Board--Session Laws of 2009 Administrative Procedure Act, Chapter 34.05 RCW webpage July 2019 Cleanup Rule (Chapter 173–340 WAC): Comments from the Public and Ecology staff (2009–2018) Cleanup Rul ...
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