Today is
[Portal ID #1748]

Lewis County - Adna Levee Project

Here's what's happening
11/20/2013  -  Project Update   
Project is complete and finished.Click here for Project Photos.
10/15/2013  -  Project Update   
All project construction, punch list items and maintenance mowing completed by the Contractor on September 18, 2013.
9/6/2013  -  Updated Schedule -- Project Completed.   
Updated schedule per Rod Lakey email of 9/04/2013.  Project has been completed.
7/28/2013  -  Updated Schedule   
Updated schedule per Rod Lakey.  All current as of 7/28/2013.
5/13/2013  -  (5/09/2013) Update from Rod Lakey   
Update from Rod Lakey . . ."We received our DAHP permit and plans are complete, but we are still waiting for a “Right of Entry” permit from the WA Parks." . . . "We will check permit status with the WA Parks again and pursue bid advertisement May 16."
4/12/2013  -  (1/23/2013) Update from Tim Elsea   
Lewis County has completed the access permitting process through the parks department and has advertised and awarded a bid for the first phase of this project. This phase will include brush clearing and mowing to determine the original flow lines of the conveyance ditch. We previously were able to retrieve the original design plans from its was Burlington Northern Santa Fe and are using those plans to assist in our design. As the ditch cleaning contract is moving forward, we are finalizing...
4/12/2013  -  (2/25/2013) Update from Rob Lakey   
Phase I (Ditch Clearing and Mowing outside wetland areas) -- Lewis County advertised, opened and awarded Phase I to Balmelli Contracting Inc. on January 29, 2012.  Work items included Mobilization,  4.7 acres of Clearing and Roadside Cleanup and a Spill Prevention Plan.  The contractor has completed this work (4,200 linear feet of trail ditch cleared from Bunker Creek Road east to the beginning of wetland areas adjacent to the Trail). Phase II (Culvert...
4/12/2013  -  (3/13/2013) Update from Tim Elsea   
Phase I Construction (Ditch Clearing 4,200 linear feet outside wetland areas) was completed in February 2013.Phase II design work is proceeding.  Will need Fill & Grade permit and Washington Parks right of Entry Permit.DAHP Excavation permit for Phase II will be submitted this week (up to 60-day review/approval).Phase II construction will start prior to July 1, 2013 but this project will require a time extension for the OFM grant.See 03/13/2013 update report -- click here.
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