Element I -- Prepare plans, specifications and estimate (bid documents) for lengthening the overflow bridge at South Bank Road (formerly Wakefield Rd.), Milepost 16.9. The bridge will be lengthened 562 feet so that it has a total length of 900 feet. This project will reduce the 100 year event backwater by 1-2 feet at this location. Cost for this element will be $420,000.
Element II –Perform hydraulic modeling and alternative analysis for Dunlap Road, South Bank Road, milepost 10.1 and milepost 10.6 (near Porter) to see if there is any feasible project to reduce flooding (including installation of culvert in Porter Creek). Cost for this element will be $164,000.
Flood Hazard Reduction Benefits -- The project will reduce road flooding and flood elevation in the vicinity of Porter and Elma. The benefits will be achieved after the improvements are constructed in 2016-2017..
Project Status -- Project Discontinued.
Anticipated schedule is as follows:
DONE -- Hire consultant -- March 2014.
DONE -- Public Meeting -- May 2014.
Complete river modeling and 60 percent of the bridge design -- December 2014.
Complete bridge design and PS&E (bid package) -- April 2015.
Expenditure plan:
2013 – $4,000.
2014 – $400,000.
2015 - $180,000.
DONE -- 1/2014 -- Scope of work prepared for Inter-local agreement with OFM (click here and here).