Today is
[Portal ID #1932]

Centralia - China Creek Project

Here's what's happening
10/19/2016  -  Update from Kahle Jennings   
On August 30, 2016 the USACE sent the following information via email: “we are complete with Section 7 ESA review.  We are still reviewing Section 106 National Historic Preservation Act and Dredged Materials.”
 Also on August 30, 2016 the USACE sent the following information via email: “As a part of the project review process the Corps must comply with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.  Today I received information from our...
9/14/2016  -  Update from Kahle Jennings   
US Army Corps of Engineers notified me on August 25th that they have completed Section 7 ESA review.  We are still reviewing Section 106 National Historic Preservation Act and Dredged Materials. They requested and I sent them a copy of the cultural resources assessment. We had anticipated this and already completed it.

Soil testing of the construction site will occur this week.

Biologists will be in the field at China Creek on Friday of this week (Sept 16) and Thursday and...
7/20/2016  -  Update from Kahle Jennings   
Phase I:
$900,000 was awarded for construction of Phase 1.
City has spent $450,000 as of June 30th for land acquisition, plan design and permitting but none of this was charged to the $900,000 construction funds.
City has obtained grading permit from Lewis County and HPA from WDFW.
City has not yet obtained required permits from U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. This is a concern that is compromising the timeline.
City has started accumulating trees with rootwads attached required for the...
5/18/2016  -  Update from Kahle Jennings   
We are waiting for JARPA responses and preparing to bid project.
4/21/2016  -  Update from Kahle Jennings   
Done to Date:

RCO Contract signed 11-3-15.
Phase 1 SEPA issued 11-23-15; reissued 12-7-15.
SEPA Comments received 12-22-15 resulting in project redesign.
Ecology Shorelands Program Management Team visited project site 3-16-16.
Project poster prepared by consulting engineer sent to Scott Boettcher for possible posting on EZview 4-4-16.
JARPA was submitted 4-4-16.
Cultural Resources Assessment completed 4-11-16.
Cultural Resources Assessment submitted to RCO 4-11-16.
3/12/2016  -  Update from Kahle Jennings   
We received comments from Lewis County during SEPA review.

A second project redesign was prepared and reviewed with Lewis County. They had additional comments so additional survey work was completed and a final project design should be completed by the end of the week. Changes in the final design are minor.
SEPA DNS (Determination of Nonsignificance) including conditions to address Lewis County concerns has been issued.

JARPA has been submitted.

AquaTera has been contracted...
12/17/2015  -  Update from Kahle Jennings   
Due to an email glitch, the initial SEPA distribution will be rerun.
Also due to public comments we are separating the P1 and P2 SEPA.
11/20/2015  -  Update from Kahle Jennings   
1.  SEPA is being sent out for comment next Monday (11/23/2015).
2.  JARPA is also complete and being sent out but won't be acted on until SEPA review is done.
3.  Final design, engineering specs and construction estimate is underway.
10/15/2015  -  Project Website Set-Up   
Project website for the China Creek Project has been launched.
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