DHPC Review of Preliminary Draft Policy & Code
(Open for links to calendar & agendas)
The Dayton Historic Preservation Commission (DHPC) continues in their review of the preliminary drafts of revisions to the City historic preservation policy and codes. This review occurs during their their meetings. Please refer to the City Calendar and DHPC Agendas and Minutes for meeting information. Preliminary draft documents are available in the project library - see the library tab above.
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See Library for more information - ORD. 1899
The Dayton City Council will hold a Special Meeting and Public Hearing on August 15, 2016 at 6 pm, Dayton City Hall, Council Chambers, 111 S. 1st Street, Dayton, WA 99328. to consider Proposed Ord. 1899 on 8/15/16.
The ordinance is to "Dissolve the Dayton Register South Side Historic District (SSHD) and Dayton Register Washington Street Historic District (WSHD), repeal zoning overlay restrictions, and amend Zoning Overlay Maps, deleting the WSHD & SSHD." Proposed text of... |
Description of Proposal: Dissolve the Dayton Register South Side Historic District (SSHD) and Dayton Register Washington Street Historic District (WSHD), repeal zoning overlay restrictions, and amend Zoning Overlay Maps, deleting the WSHD & SSHD. (Non-Project Action)
Location of Proposal: WSHD - Generally properties on the north side of E. Washington Ave., addressed 115 through 409). SSHD - Properties within the general area south of E. Clay St., west of S 3rd St., north of E. Park St.,... |
On July 11, 2016, the City Council voted to revised the schedule for the 2016-Historic Preservation Policy, Code and Process Update Project as shown on Res.1283 Exhibit B.
Purpose of Schedule Revision: To facilitate City Council consideration to dissolve the Dayton Register South Side Historic District and Dayton Register Washington Street Historic District in the most expeditious manner. Revised HPP2016 Sched. res1283.pdf is available under the Library tab. |
Advisory Vote Results
Dayton Register Washington Street Historic District 9 Votes to Dissolve Local Register District 4 Votes to Have An Advisory Review Local Register District Dayton Register South Side Historic District 40 Votes to Dissolve Local Register District 21 Votes to Have An Advisory Review Local Register District |
Ballots will be mailed out on Fri., May 13, 2016
Ballots must be submitted in the envelopes provided and signed by the property owner or authorized agent to be validated and counted. Hand delivered envelopes with ballots to City Hall must be returned on or before June 6, 2016 at 3:30 pm; or, Mailed ballots must be postmarked by the return date of June 6, 2016 and must be received by mail on or before June 14, 2016 at 3:30 pm. Ballots will be counted on June 14, 2016, 6 pm at St.... |
“ADVISORY VOTE to the DAYTON CITY COUNCIL” - Ballot # 1 Vote Tally
Dayton Register Washington Street Historic District 7 - “Dissolve the local Dayton Register Washington Street Historic District.” 2 - “Retain the local Dayton Register Washington Street Historic District and change the process to Advisory Review.” 1 - “Retain local Dayton Register Washington Street Historic... |
UPDATE - All ballot "mailing envelopes" received were accepted & approved. WSHD - 10 ballots & SSHD - 59 ballots received to date.
The mailing envelopes of ballots received and signatures on the envelopes will be reviewed at 6 pm tonight, Mon., April 25, 2016, City Hall. The purpose of the review is to give the commission time (before May 2, 2016) to contact a property owner should they have a question regarding the signature or other discrepancy on the... |
Envelops will be opened on May 2, 2016, 6 pm and ballots will be counted.
If you wish to watch the vote count, you may come in and watch in the audience. Please be respectful and quiet during the process. Once the review is complete, a final count will be announced, emailed to interested parties and published on this website. Answers to Your Questions |
Please join the Dayton Historic Preservation Commission at the DHPC Special Meeting to ask questions regarding the “Advisory Vote to the Dayton City Council”,.
Date - Wednesday, April 13, 2016, 7 -8 pm Location - St. Joseph’s Catholic Church - Parish Hall, 112 S. 1st St., Dayton, WA |
Vote for one of the three (3) choices as to how you would advise the Dayton City Council regarding whether or not to retain the local Dayton Register (residential) Historic District; and if retain, whether the Certificates of Appropriateness process should be advisory or require Certificates of Appropriateness approval. See Library for ballot text.
What does your vote mean? Plus other vote Information - See Library for more information. Dear Property... |
Ballots must be submitted in the envelopes provided and signed by the property owner or authorized agent to be validated and counted.
Hand delivered envelopes with ballots to City Hall must be returned by April 21, 2016 at 3:30 pm; or, Mailed ballots must be postmarked by the return date of April 21, 2016 and must be received by mail within 10 days of April 21, 2016. (May 2, 2016 at 3:30 pm) Ballots will be counted on May 2, 2016, 6 pm at City Hall. The public is welcome to... |
Wed., February 24, 2016, 2 - 4 pm
Wed., February 24, 2016, 5 -6:50 pm prior to DHPC Regular Meeting Sat., February 27, 2016, 10 am to 1 pm Mon., February 29, 2016, 4 – 6 pm Mon., February 29, 2016, 6:30 – 8 pm Location of all open house/workshops: Dayton City Council Chambers, 111 S. 1st Street, Dayton, WA |
City Council reviews the Project Scope and Public Participation Plan
(Feb. 8, 2016 7 pm)
Monday, 2/8/16, the City Council will consider a resolution approving the Scope of Work ; Public Participation Plan and Project Schedule for this project.
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