City of Pasco: Comprehensive Plan (Periodic Update)
The public comment period ended on July 31, 2020. We received over 235 comments. Thank you for submitting comments.
The City of Pasco is updating its Comprehensive Plan consistent with the Growth Management Act (GMA) RCW 36.70A. Each city and county planning under GMA must conduct a thorough review of its comprehensive plan every eight years, according to the schedule provided in RCW 36.70A.130,
This plan is expected to be completed by Fall 2020.
The Plan consists of goals, policies, and analyses of the following elements: economic, land use, transportation, utilities, capital facilities, and housing. It also includes parks and recreation, schools, municipal facilities, fire and emergency services, police services, telecommunications, and Irrigation District Facilities. The Plan guides decisions about development and growth within the City limits and in the Urban Growth Area (UGA). It is designed to help the City meet its long-term vision for growth.
The document contains updated visions, goals, policies, and analyses. The Plan is also required to be consistent with the Franklin County County-wide Planning Policies adopted in 2019.