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[Portal ID #1751]

Montesano - Revetment to Protect Montesano Rd., WWTP and Mary's River Lumber Project

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(1/23/2013) Update from Ken Estes     4/18/2013

The city signed the Interagency Agreement with OFM for funding the end of November 2012.  We then went out of bids to find a firm with expertise in Civil Engineering to meet OFM's Statement of Work on November 8, 2012.     Winner of the bid was Parametrix, whose home office is in Puyallup.  This was approved by the Montesano City Council on January 11, 2013 and a contract with Parametrix was signed January 22, 2013.  The first part of Parametrix's efforts will be to define the causes and potential fixes.  Because this project will require meetings with up to 15 stake holders (Tribes, DOT, DOE, Fisheries, Corps, etc) much of the next part of planning will involve them. The last part will be designing and permitting an agreeded upon solution.  Montesano has had many successful projects with this company and are pleased to be working with them at this time.

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