Today is
[Portal ID #1789]

Aberdeen, Cosmopolis, and Hoquiam
Shoreline Master Program Update

Shoreline Master Program Open House and Visioning Workshop
Rotary Log Pavilion, 1401 Sargent Boulevard, Aberdeen

We welcome your participation at the cities of Aberdeen, Cosmopolis, and Hoquiam Shoreline Master Program Open House and Visioning Workshop.  The Washington State Department of Ecology is requiring that all existing local Shoreline Master Programs throughout the state be updated to reflect new state guidelines.  Aberdeen, Cosmopolis, and Hoquiam are working together on one Shoreline Master Program that will guide and regulate development within the Cities’ shorelines.  The intent of this open house and visioning workshop is to present the shoreline inventory work we have done to date on the Shoreline Master Program update, to listen and respond to your comments, questions, and concerns, and to talk about your vision for the future of the Cities’ shorelines.  The updated Shoreline Master Program will guide and regulate the future development of the Cities’ shorelines that include Grays Harbor, the Chehalis River, the Wishkah River, the Hoquiam River, as well as other smaller rivers, streams, and lakes.

Please visit the update project website if you are unable to attend the open house, want additional information, or would like to comment or ask questions.

For further information contact:

Josh Beach, SMP Update Coordinator, Hoquiam City Planner at (360) 538-3971



Brad Medrud, AHBL, Inc. Consultant Lead assisting the Cities with the SMP update at (253) 383-2422

E-mail: bmedrud@ahbl.com