Today is
[Portal ID #1789]

Aberdeen, Cosmopolis, and Hoquiam
Shoreline Master Program Update

Here's what's coming up
3/2/2016 6:00 PM - Joint City Council Workshop for Adoption of the Draft SMPs
Rotary Log Pavilion, Morrison Riverfront Park, Aberdeen, WA
A Joint City Council Workshop for the adoption of the Draft SMPs has been scheduled.
8/11/2015 6:00 PM - Citizen Advisory Committee Meeting #5
Aberdeen City Hall, 3rd Floor Meeting Room
Finish Shoreline Modification Policies and Regulations and Administration (Chapters 6 - 7); Discuss critical areas regulations (Appendix) and Restoration Plan. The date is tentative.
6/23/2015 6:00 PM - Citizen Advisory Committee Meeting #4
Aberdeen City Hall
Finish Shoreline Use Policies and Regulations (Chapter 5); start Shoreline Modification Policies and Regulations and Administration (Chapters 6 - 7). The venue has been changed to Aberdeen City Hall, 3rd floor conference room.
5/26/2015 6:00 PM - Citizen Advisory Committee Meeting #3
Hoquiam City Hall
Finish General Goals, Policies, and Regulations (Chapters 1 - 4); start Shoreline Use Policies and Regulations (Chapter 5).
4/28/2015 6:00 PM - Citizen Advisory Committee Meeting #2
Hoquiam City Hall
Continue discussion of shoreline environment designations; introduce General Goals, Policies, and Regulations (Chapters 1 - 4).
3/24/2015 6:00 PM - Citizen Advisory Committee Meeting #1
Hoquiam City Hall
Introduction of the CAC members to the SMP udpate process and to the discussion of the shoreline environment designations.
11/5/2014 6:00 PM - Shoreline Master Program Open House and Visioning Workshop
Rotary Log Pavilion, 1401 Sargent Boulevard, Aberdeen
We welcome your participation at the cities of Aberdeen, Cosmopolis, and Hoquiam Shoreline Master Program Open House and Visioning Workshop.  The Washington State Department of Ecology is requiring that all existing local Shoreline Master Programs throughout the state be updated to reflect new state guidelines.  Aberdeen, Cosmopolis, and Hoquiam ar ...
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