AGENDA MEETING NOTES PROPOSED RULE CHANGES (STAG responses and comments due to Ecology by 5PM Monday, March 2, 2020) Section 300: Site Discover & Reporting. Preliminary draft, Chapter 173-340 WAC (distributed Jan 17,2020) Section 450: Leaking Underground Storage Tanks. Preliminary draft, Chapter 173-340 WAC (distributed Jan 17, 2020) Sections 350 and 360: Remedy Selection and Disproportionate Cost Analysis: Overview of preliminary draft changes to WAC 173-340-350 and 173-340-360 (distributed Jan 30, 2020) SUPPORTING MATERIALS Toxics Cleanup Program Policy 300: Site Discovery-Reporting Releases (June 2004) Toxics Cleanup Program Policy 310A: Initial Investigations (Dec 2009) INFOGRAPHIC: Washington's formal cleanup process (steps in the MTCA cleanup process), Publication No. 19-09-166 (September 2019) TABLE: Summary of MTCA Public Involvement for Cleanup Sites (January 2020)
PROPOSED RULE CHANGES (STAG responses and comments due to Ecology by 5PM Monday, March 2, 2020)