Update from Mark Steepy (KPFF):"We have met with GHC and received some minor comments on construction plans. We are waiting to update the plans until we receive permitting agency comments. Those should be coming this month (February)."
From Steve Schmitz (KPFF):CompletedSEPA Determination of Non-Significance issued by GHC.HPA and JARPA Permits are under review with WDFW & Army Corp.60 Percent Plans, Specs, and Engineers Estimate have been completed & reviewed by GHC.UpcomingIncorporation of GHC and permitting agency comments to Plans and Specifications.Preparation of final bid documents.Bid date in Spring of this year.Construction beginning in July 2017.RenderingsProject renderings can be viewed here, here, and...
From Mark Steepy (KPFF):KPFF is on target for a 60% design on or before Oct. 31st.Tide gates for the 7 culverts in the project area have been selected. 2 will be self-regulating tide gates to allow for tidal flushing and 5 will be one-way flexible rubber tide gates.Geotechnical borings to support the wall design are complete.The initial wall design has been revised to reduce wetland impacts to less than 0.05 acres which will speed up the permitting process.
KPFF has completed the review ofAMEC’s 30% design and is ready to move towards the 60% design asscheduled. They have met with the Department of Fish and Wildlife and theDepartment of Ecology to discuss permitting issues. Wetlands will be anissue with this project and KPFF is currently working on a design that willminimize the impacts to wetlands.
Commissioners signed the contract with KPFF on June 27th.GHC and KPFF had a kickoff meeting on July 12th.GHC is currently working with AMEC and their subconsultant, Coast and Harbor Engineering, to obtain data from the first flood wall design contract. This will save on the cost of the contract with KPFF.
GHC Commissioners have signed a purchase agreement for the northerly parcel of property for the flood wall.The owner of the southerly parcel has stated that it is not for sale.Purchase of northerly parcel has been critical link. With signed purchase agreement, GHC will now approve selected engineering consultant at their May 16th regular Commissioners meeting. Southerly property can be designed around (so it is not critical as was the northerly parcel).Once hired engineering...
Inter-agency funding agreement for completion of Phase II has been signed and is now in effect. See agreement here.Submittal deadline on Grays Harbor County's Request for Qualifications for consulting expertise to implement the comprehensive flood study project closed March 11, 2016. See RFQ here.
Wishkah Road Flood Photos added to Project Library. See here.
· Project status is uncertain. · Board of County Commissioners voted not to use eminent domain to condemn two parcels of land along Wishkah River and remove the county as sponsor of the project. · Read news article here.
Hydraulic modeling is underway to finalize recommended top elevation of proposed flood wall and quantify expected level of flood protection that will be provided.Field work has been completed to delineate wetlands within the project area and identify fish species present. Memo summarizing findings of the aquatic species inventory is nearing completion as is the wetland report.Cultural resources inventory has been completed in the project area with cultural resources report nearing...
Negotiations soon to begin regarding aquisition of two parcels by the County.Additional environmental field work is scheduled for the Spring.30% design is planned for June 2014.60% design and permit submittals are planned for August 2014.Construction cost estimate has been preliminarily revised downward from $5.4 million to $4.7 million.See project update memo from Ryan Bartelheimer (click here).
The appraisers for the properties are on board and will be out on site this week.The “rights of entry” are in and the field work is expected to begin later in March.
Project is well underway.Project is about 50% complete in obtaining “rights of entry” for permission to go onto about 20 private properties for surveying design and investigations and data collection for permitting (this includes two properties on the east side of the road proposed for acquisition).Once all "rights of entry" are obtained, AMEC (Project consultants) can get going on the field work that will feed the design and the permit applications.
Funding agreement is in place between Grays Harbor County and OFM.Grays Harbor County is securing ”rights of entry” from neighboring property owners to do investigations, surveying, and data collection for the permit applications and pre-design work.AMEC has been hired to do the design and permitting work.Grays Harbor County is taking the lead on the property acquisition with assistance from AMEC.
Proposedfunding agreement has been sent from OFM to Grays Harbor County for $690,000 (projectdesign, property acquisition) in 2013-15 State Capital Budget funds.
Final report was issued June 28, 2013 (click here). GHC BOCC took action July 8, 2013 (click here). Chehalis River Basin Flood Authority recommended approval of $500,000 for road filling and re-paving at their July 19, 2013 meeting in Aberdeen consistent with GHC BOCC action (recommendation #1).
Click here for latest conference call summary.Click here for DRAFT list of proposed permits.
We are currently gathering data for the Wishkah Project and running hydraulic models for the Satsop River Project. To date we see no issues that could jeopardize the schedule or completion of both of these studies. We plan on using all the monies provided to the county by July 1,2013. No conclusions or recommendations have been made by our consultants at this time.
We are currently on schedule. Thanks. Russ. (Click here for latest progress report.)
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