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[Portal ID #1780]

Building Cities in the Rain

October 21 2015

 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
15-10-21 draft agenda.pdf 73 KB
Agenda 10/28/15 02:27 PM
15-10-21 FifthDraftPrioritizationGuidance.pdf 738.5 KB
Meeting materials 10/28/15 02:28 PM
15-10-21 Final meeting summary.pdf 120.2 KB
Meeting summary 11/17/15 10:54 AM

September 22 2015

 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
15-9-22 draft agenda.pdf 198.3 KB
Agenda 09/21/15 11:23 AM
15-16-9 TertiaryDraftPrioritizationGuidance.pdf 1.3 MB Updated draft guidance
Updated draft guidance
Meeting materials 09/21/15 11:23 AM
15-9-22 Final meeting summary.pdf 85.1 KB
Meeting summary 10/28/15 02:27 PM

August 18 2015

 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
15-8-18 meeting notes re guidance.pdf 602.3 KB Meeting edits to guidance
Meeting edits to guidance
Meeting summary 09/21/15 11:22 AM

June 8 2015

 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
15-3-31 draft agenda.pdf 76.9 KB
Agenda 06/04/15 01:20 PM
15-6-4PreliminaryDraftPrioritizationGuidance.pdf 1 MB Prelminary draft of guidance
Prelminary draft of guidance
Meeting materials 06/04/15 01:21 PM
15-6-8 Meeting Summary.pdf 207 KB
Meeting summary 06/18/15 09:12 AM

May 20 2015

 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
15-5-20 draft agenda.pdf 280.3 KB
Agenda 05/18/15 01:20 PM
May 20_BCitR presentationSWCTP.pdf 1.5 MB Ecology Stormwater Control Transfer Program guidan...
Ecology Stormwater Control Transfer Program guidance
Meeting Presentation 05/20/15 08:25 AM
15-5-20 Meeting Summary.pdf 66.3 KB
Meeting summary 06/03/15 01:45 PM

April 20 2015

 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
15-4-20 draft agenda.pdf 284.4 KB
Agenda 04/09/15 11:59 AM
FlowControlRunoffTreatmentData3-31-15.pdf 92.9 KB
Meeting materials 04/09/15 11:59 AM
DraftPrioritizationProcessFlowControlUpdated3-31-15.pdf 138.9 KB
Meeting materials 04/09/15 12:00 PM
Current Operating Assumptions 15-3-31.pdf 177.9 KB
Meeting materials 04/09/15 12:00 PM
Feist et al 2011.pdf 592.4 KB
Meeting materials 04/09/15 12:00 PM
15-4-20 Meeting Summary and materials.pdf 781.4 KB Summary and materials
Summary and materials
Meeting summary 05/18/15 01:19 PM

March 31 2015

 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
15-3-31 draft agenda.pdf 205.9 KB
Agenda 03/30/15 03:04 PM
DraftPrioritizationProcessFlowControl3-31-15.pdf 133.8 KB
Meeting materials 03/30/15 03:04 PM
FlowControlRunoffTreatmentData3-31-15.pdf 90.8 KB
Meeting materials 03/30/15 03:04 PM
Current Operating Assumptions 15-3-16.pdf 177.1 KB
Meeting materials 03/30/15 03:04 PM
15-3-31 Meeting Summary.pdf 73 KB
Meeting summary 04/09/15 12:01 PM

March 16 2015

 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
15-3-16 draft agenda.pdf 87.8 KB
Agenda 03/12/15 02:09 PM
Flow Control Data 3-16-15.pdf 91.8 KB
Meeting materials 03/12/15 02:10 PM
Screening Approach 3-16-15.pdf 118.5 KB
Meeting materials 03/12/15 02:10 PM
15-3-16 Meeting summary.pdf 137.8 KB
Meeting summary 03/30/15 03:06 PM

February 24 2015

 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
15-2-24 draft agenda.pdf 208.2 KB
Draft Agenda 02/19/15 02:55 PM
Bicycle rack issues 15-2-3.pdf 214.7 KB Bicycle Rack (Parking Lot) Issues
Bicycle Rack (Parking Lot) Issues
Meeting Materials 02/19/15 02:57 PM
Redmond Watershed Management Plan Table 3.2.pdf 251.9 KB Redmond Local Data
Redmond Local Data
Meeting Materials 02/19/15 02:58 PM
15-2-19 LocalDataFlowControlPrioritization Survey.pdf 112.4 KB Survey of Work Group participants
Survey of Work Group participants
Meeting Materials 02/23/15 03:56 PM
Current Operating Assumptions 15-2-3.pdf 188.3 KB
Meeting Materials 03/09/15 03:00 PM
15-2-24 Meeting summary and materials.pdf 512.9 KB Meeting summary with fish materials
Meeting summary with fish materials
Meeting summary 03/18/15 10:58 AM

February 3 2015

 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
15-02-03 draft agenda.pdf 91.8 KB
Draft agenda 02/02/15 02:27 PM
Draft Local Data for Prioritizing Watersheds 2-3-15.pdf 87 KB Summary of local data used by retrofit programs
Summary of local data used by retrofit programs
Meeting materials 02/02/15 02:28 PM
15-02-03 Meeting summary.pdf 248.1 KB
Meeting Summary 02/19/15 02:54 PM

January 27 2015

 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
15-1-27 draft agenda.pdf 90.7 KB Draft agenda
Draft agenda
Agenda 01/26/15 12:16 PM
Draft Current Operating Assumptions 12-11-14.pdf 41 KB Draft Operating Assumptions
Draft Operating Assumptions
Meeting materials 01/26/15 12:18 PM
Prioritization Criteria - revised discussion questions 1-21-14.pdf 190.6 KB Discussion questions
Discussion questions
Meeting materials 01/26/15 12:18 PM
15-1-27 Final Meeting summary.pdf 75.8 KB
Meeting summary 02/02/15 03:49 PM
GrowthCentersNearFlowControlWaters_24x36_20150126 (2).pdf 9.3 MB Map of Regional Growth Centers Flow Control Waters
Map of Regional Growth Centers Flow Control Waters
Map 02/18/15 08:14 AM

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