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[Portal ID #1780]

Building Cities in the Rain

2014 Meetings
March 24 2014

 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
14-3-24 Agenda.pdf 84 KB
Agenda 10/30/14 03:34 PM
14-3-24 meeting summary.pdf 65.9 KB
Meeting Summary 10/30/14 03:34 PM

May 15 2014

 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
14-5-15 Draft Core Team Agenda.pdf 66.8 KB
Agenda 10/30/14 03:58 PM
14-5-15 DRAFT Work Plan_Updated (2).pdf 122.9 KB
Meeting materials 10/30/14 03:59 PM
14-5-15 Meeting summary.pdf 158.4 KB
Meeting Summary 10/30/14 03:59 PM

May 29 2014

 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
14-5-29 Draft Core Team meeting agenda.pdf 475.6 KB
Agenda 10/30/14 04:22 PM
14-5-29 Meeting summary.pdf 195.4 KB
Meeting Summary 10/30/14 04:24 PM
14-5-29 Meeting Materials.pdf 512.9 KB
Meeting Materials 11/03/14 03:17 PM

August 20 2014

 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
14-8-20 Draft agenda and materials.pdf 223.8 KB Draft agenda and draft scope of work
Draft agenda and draft scope of work
Agenda and materials 10/30/14 04:32 PM
14-8-20 Meeting summary.pdf 221 KB
Meeting Summary 10/30/14 04:32 PM
14-8-20 Final Updated Work Plan.pdf 142.9 KB Final updated Work Plan
Final updated Work Plan
Work Plan 10/30/14 04:33 PM

September 23 2014

 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
14-9-23 Draft Agenda.pdf 89.4 KB Agenda
Agenda 10/30/14 05:05 PM
14-9-23 Prioritization Presentations.pdf 7.8 MB Prioritization Program Presentations
Prioritization Program Presentations
Meeting materials 10/30/14 05:06 PM
14-9-23 meeting summary and materials.pdf 138.9 KB
Meeting Summary 10/30/14 05:07 PM

October 9 2014

 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
14-10-19 Draft agenda and materials.pdf 246 KB Draft agenda with updated Stormwater Prioritizatio...
Draft agenda with updated Stormwater Prioritization Programs summary
Agenda and materials 10/30/14 05:31 PM
14-10-9 Presentations.pdf 6.2 MB
Meeting Presentation... 10/30/14 05:31 PM
14-10-9 Meeting summary.pdf 351.7 KB
Meeting Summary 10/30/14 05:32 PM

October 27 2014

 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
14-10-27 Draft agenda and materials.pdf 335.1 KB Draft agenda and updated Stormwater Prioritization...
Draft agenda and updated Stormwater Prioritization Program matrix
Agenda and materials 11/03/14 09:58 AM
14-10-27 Presentations.pdf 3.7 MB Meeting presentations
Meeting presentations
Presentations 11/03/14 09:59 AM
14-10-27 Meeting summary.pdf 279.7 KB
Meeting Summary 11/12/14 04:30 PM

November 13 2014

 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
14-11-13 draft agenda.pdf 207.6 KB
Draft Agenda 11/12/14 04:33 PM
Stormwater Retrofit Investment Prioritization 11-3-14.pdf 373.9 KB Stormwater Retrofit Investment Prioritization Prog...
Stormwater Retrofit Investment Prioritization Programs
Meeting Materials 11/12/14 04:34 PM
14-10-29 Draft Elements.pdf 296.5 KB Draft guidance elements
Draft guidance elements
Meeting Materials 11/12/14 04:34 PM
Using an Ecological Recovery Approach to Stormwater Permit.pdf 2 MB Municipal Stormwater Conference presentation
Municipal Stormwater Conference presentation
Presentation 11/12/14 04:36 PM
14-11-13 Meeting summary.pdf 154.2 KB
Meeting summary 12/17/14 03:31 PM

December 11 2014

 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
12-11-14 draft agenda.pdf 90.5 KB
Agenda 12/08/14 02:37 PM
14-12-11 Draft Elements.pdf 91.2 KB Draft guidance elements
Draft guidance elements
Meeting materials 12/08/14 02:39 PM
Stormwater Retrofit Investment Prioritization 11-3-14.pdf 363.3 KB Stormwater Prioritization Programs matrix
Stormwater Prioritization Programs matrix
Meeting materials 12/08/14 02:40 PM
12-11-14 revised draft agenda.pdf 90.6 KB Revised agenda
Revised agenda
Agenda 12/10/14 12:51 PM
Prioritization Criteria for receiving areas - discussion questions.pdf 36.2 KB Discussion questions
Discussion questions
Meeting materials 12/10/14 12:52 PM
14-12-11 meeting summary final.pdf 140.4 KB
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