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[Portal ID #1916]

Montesano - WWTP Wynoochee River Bank Protection Project

Here's what's happening
4/25/2017  -  Update from Scott Boettcher   
Click here for 4-25-2017 presentation to Montesano City Council.
Click here for 4-25-2017 overview/information sheet.
A productive conversation was held with WSDOT on 4-25-2017 regarding partnering on larger, longer-term shoreline stabilization solution to protect both City's WWTP infrastructure as well WSDOT's SR 107 infrastructure.
3/29/2017  -  Update from Matt Kastberg (Parametrix)   
Summary from Matt Kastberg following 3-24-2017 on-site meeting with WDFW, Ecology, GHC, and City of Montesano on where we're at and where we're headed (see attendees list here). 
1.  Materials - Rick Hermes (Engineer) confirmed that 50-60’ steel sheets are readily available… so material doesn’t seem to be a constraint if we decide to proceed with the sheet pile option.  Obviously, the sheet piles would be part of a greater plan that could include some...
10/17/2016  -  Update from Rocky Howard   
Received consultant findings to date (see here) and met with design consultant Parametrix on the Wynoochee Bank protection alternatives on 10/05/2016.  Attendees at the meeting included: Dan Wood; Scott Boettcher; Doug Streeter; Rocky Howard; Deena Hueneka.  Meeting discussion covered three alternatives simulated by WEST Consultants and Parametrix.  Decision was to move forward with design and permitting of a bank hardening alternative, possible relic channel work, and...
9/12/2016  -  Update from Rocky Howard   
Final report on the Wynoochee River Bank Protection project will be available sometime this week from Parametrix. It is likely to contain 3 channel stabilization alternatives. Parametrix will want to meet with the City to fully explore all alternatives and answer any questions we might have regarding permitting, construction, and finance.  That meeting should occur in next two to three weeks.
7/21/2016  -  Update from Rocky Howard   
Recent progress report from Parametrix has been uploaded to library.  See progress report here.
Based on initial modelling, it appears the groins conceptualized for this project may not have as great an effective as intended.  This is due in part to the way the river is migrating outside of the immediate project area.  Other alternatives could be explored that might generate greater protection for the WWTP.
There are three methods that could be considered to slow or eliminate...
5/18/2016  -  Update from Rocky Howard   

Engineer's project manager Deena Hueneka states that Parametrix and their consultants are still detailing model options at this time.

Billing is up to date in PRISM.
3/12/2016  -  Update from Mike Wincewicz   

Survey work is being completed.

Hydrology cross-sectioning has been scheduled.
1/18/2016  -  Update from Mike Wincewicz   
Survey work will begin in January.
12/17/2015  -  Update from Mike Wincewicz   
Survey work will begin after the first of the year.
10/15/2015  -  Project Website Set-Up   
Project website for the WWTP Wynoochee River Bank Protection Project has been launched.
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