All of the information on the website is correct and current.
On the carry forward question, we will spend all of the money by July 1, 2018 as the work will take place late summer of 2017.
Site looks good. No updates are needed.
Updated schedule/milestones on Overview page to reflect Project decision to avoid the regulatory complexity and cost of armoring and bury the outfall pipe further into the riverbank to stabilize and floodproof it. See here.
See Corps of Engineers letter here.
Recent Work Completed:
prepared and submittied JARPA application including Critical Areas report, Biological Evaluation, and Mitigation Plan.
published the SEPA DNS determination and received comments.
Upcoming Work:
responding to additional information request from Corps.
working to receive HPA from WDFW.
finishing contract specifications.
complying with 05-05 artifacts including contacting all associated tribes and submitting an EZ1 form to DAHP.
Once we have...
Project sign has been posted. See here.
JARPA will be submitted early next week. (Note: JARPA is a key environmental permitting application used by Ecology, WDFW, and Corps of Engineers.)
SEPA comments are due March 18th.
Project is on-track.
Draft design sheets will be ready for distribution to permitting and regulatory review agencies by end-of-January 2016.
Project website for the WWTP Outfall Stabilization Project has been launched.