Project Financials -- See separate project financials website here.
Description --Progressive erosion has occurred along the Chehalis River riverbank at the location of the City of Elma's wastewater treatment plant outfall (WWTP outfall). Approximately 12 to 15 feet of horizontal erosion has occurred, removing a significant amount of dirt and rocks away from the buried portion of the outfall pipe and undermining/jeopardizing its flood stability. The City of Elma is proactively planning with this project to relocate the existing WWTP piping further into the remaining riverbank to prevent further erosion.
Flood Hazard Reduction Benefits -- Failure (or loss) of the WWTP outfall and piping from a future flood event would certainly result in costly environmental and reconstruction issues.
Project Status --On-Track, Underway.
Schedule/Milestones -- Current schedule is as follows:
July 2016 - February 2017 -- Design WWTP outfall pipe deepening solution including securing required permits and determining required mitigation (if any).
August 2017 - October 2017 -- Construct WWTP outfall pipe repair.