File Name | File Size | Description | Category | Date Added | |
Jan 18 MAM Agenda.pdf | 472.9 KB |
Part I Workshop Agenda
Part I Workshop Agenda
| Workshop Agenda | 01/29/18 09:51 AM | |
2018-Peninsula-CriticalAreasMonitoringJan18.pdf | 1.4 MB |
Part I Overview of Critical Areas Monitoring
Part I Overview of Critical Areas Monitoring
| Presentation | 01/29/18 09:52 AM | |
HRCD Poulsbo workshop_Jan18.pptx | 10.9 MB |
Part I High Resolution Change Detection - Kitsap E...
Part I High Resolution Change Detection - Kitsap Example
| Presentation | 01/29/18 09:54 AM | |
Peninsula Why Monitor Exercise 1-18-18.pdf | 333.8 KB |
Part I participant discussion
Part I participant discussion
| Break out exercise | 01/29/18 09:55 AM | |
Final Port Angeles 4-19 Critical Areas MAM Workshop Agenda.pdf | 452.8 KB |
Part II Final Workshop Agenda
Part II Final Workshop Agenda
| Workshop Agenda | 04/04/18 04:11 PM | |
1 2018-Peninsula Part II Overview.pdf | 1.9 MB |
Part II Overview of Critical Areas Monitoring
Part II Overview of Critical Areas Monitoring
| Presentation | 04/04/18 05:10 PM | |
2 Jefferson County SMP Monitoring.pdf | 2.1 MB |
Jefferson County SMP Monitoring
Jefferson County SMP Monitoring
| Presentation | 04/16/18 03:17 PM | |
Jefferson County NNL Checklist.pdf | 626 KB |
No Net Loss Checklist
No Net Loss Checklist
| Form | 04/16/18 03:18 PM | |
Jefferson County NNL Field Form.pdf | 46.7 KB |
Field Form
Field Form
| Form | 04/16/18 03:18 PM | |
3 Bainbridge_Island_SMP_CAO_Monitoring.pdf | 952.7 KB |
Bainbridge Island SMP CAO Monitoring
Bainbridge Island SMP CAO Monitoring
| Presentation | 04/17/18 09:31 AM | |
4 CaseStudiesSources_PortAngeles.pdf | 5.5 MB |
Case Studies and State Tools
Case Studies and State Tools
| Presentation | 04/17/18 09:32 AM | |
Breakout notes 4-19-18.pdf | 354.5 KB |
Break out notes
Break out notes
| Break out exercise | 04/23/18 01:12 PM |
File Name | File Size | Description | Category | Date Added | |
02-05-18 CA Monitoring Agenda.pdf | 798.3 KB |
Workshop Agenda with directions
Workshop Agenda with directions
| Agenda | 02/01/18 12:29 PM | |
1-2018-CriticalAreasMonitoringOverview.pdf | 1.4 MB |
Overview of Critical Areas Monitoring
Overview of Critical Areas Monitoring
| Presentation | 02/06/18 09:18 AM | |
2-IslandCounty-CA-MAM-Hallberg.pdf | 1.3 MB |
Island County Critical Areas Monitoring
Island County Critical Areas Monitoring
| Presentation | 02/06/18 09:19 AM | |
3-Island County - Goforth.pdf | 3.4 MB |
Island County Water Quality and CA Monitoring
Island County Water Quality and CA Monitoring
| Presentation | 02/07/18 12:14 PM | |
4-Bellingham-CA-MAM-Weil&Behee.pdf | 15 MB |
Bellingham Critical Areas Monitoring and GIS
Bellingham Critical Areas Monitoring and GIS
| Presentation | 02/07/18 12:15 PM | |
5- HRCD-Muller.pdf | 4.6 MB |
High Resolution Change Detection - Skagit County E...
High Resolution Change Detection - Skagit County Example
| Presentation | 02/07/18 12:16 PM | |
6-CaseStudiesFromGuidance-Gates.pdf | 1.3 MB |
Case study discussion
Case study discussion
| Presentation | 02/07/18 12:16 PM | |
Benefits of CAO Monitoring 2-5-18.pdf | 310.4 KB |
Benefits of Monitoring discussion
Benefits of Monitoring discussion
| Breakout Exercise | 02/07/18 12:16 PM | |
Resources&ChallengesExercise.pdf | 480.3 KB |
Resources and Challenges Exercise
Resources and Challenges Exercise
| Breakout Exercise | 02/22/18 09:56 AM |
File Name | File Size | Description | Category | Date Added | |
02-27-18-CA-MAM-Agenda.pdf | 638.8 KB |
Workshop Agenda with directions
Workshop Agenda with directions
| Agenda | 02/22/18 02:36 PM | |
1-2018-Critical AreasMonitoringOverview.pdf | 1.8 MB |
Overview of CA Monitoring - updated from 2-5-18
Overview of CA Monitoring - updated from 2-5-18
| Presentation | 02/22/18 02:40 PM | |
2-SnohomishCounty-CA-MAM-Middaugh.pdf | 3 MB |
Snohomish County CA Monitoring Study
Snohomish County CA Monitoring Study
| Presentation | 02/22/18 02:41 PM | |
3-Kirkland-MAM-Geitz.pdf | 4.3 MB |
Kirkland Shoreline Monitoring Program
Kirkland Shoreline Monitoring Program
| Presentation | 02/22/18 02:42 PM | |
4-WDFW_HRCD_KingCo.pdf | 4.7 MB |
HRCD - King County Example
HRCD - King County Example
| Presentation | 02/22/18 02:44 PM | |
5-CaseStudies&Sources-Gates.pdf | 2.9 MB |
Case Studies and other State Resources
Case Studies and other State Resources
| Presentation | 02/22/18 02:45 PM | |
Breakout notes 2-27-18.pdf | 483.2 KB |
Notes on Breakout Exercises
Notes on Breakout Exercises
| Meeting notes | 03/01/18 12:58 PM | |
Kirkland SMP Tracking sheet Example.xlsx | 188.4 KB |
Excel spreadsheet for tracking
Excel spreadsheet for tracking
| Resources | 03/01/18 12:59 PM | |
Kirkland Shoreline Stabilization Agreement.pdf | 155.7 KB |
Kirkland Shoreline Stabilization Agreement Templat...
Kirkland Shoreline Stabilization Agreement Template
| Resources | 03/01/18 01:04 PM | |
Kirkland Perpetual Maintenance Agreement.pdf | 161.8 KB |
Kirkland Perpetual Maintenance Agreement
Kirkland Perpetual Maintenance Agreement
| Resources | 03/01/18 01:04 PM |
File Name | File Size | Description | Category | Date Added | |
03-12-18 South Sound MAM-Agenda.pdf | 589.4 KB |
Agenda with directions
Agenda with directions
| Agenda | 03/07/18 12:39 PM | |
1-2018-SouthSound-CriticalAreasMonitoringpptx.pdf | 1.9 MB |
Overview of CA Monitoring
Overview of CA Monitoring
| Presentation | 03/08/18 10:43 AM | |
2-WDFW_HRCD_Mar12.pdf | 5 MB |
HRCD - Thurston Example
HRCD - Thurston Example
| Presentation | 03/10/18 02:37 PM | |
3-ThurstonCountyHRCD.pdf | 1.8 MB |
Thurston County Shoreline Study
Thurston County Shoreline Study
| Presentation | 03/10/18 02:41 PM | |
4-Tacoma_CA&SMP_MAM.pdf | 474.7 KB |
Tacoma CA and Shoreline Monitoring
Tacoma CA and Shoreline Monitoring
| Presentation | 03/10/18 02:41 PM | |
5-CaseStudie&Sources_Olympia.pdf | 3.4 MB |
Case Studies and Other State Resources
Case Studies and Other State Resources
| Presentation | 03/10/18 02:42 PM | |
Olympia Breakout Exercies.pdf | 360.5 KB |
Notes on Breakout Exercises
Notes on Breakout Exercises
| Meeting notes | 03/13/18 04:47 PM | |
Ecology_As-built_mitigation_site _inspection_form(3-16).pdf | 151.9 KB |
Ecology mitigation site inspection form
Ecology mitigation site inspection form
| Inspection form | 03/15/18 09:21 AM |
File Name | File Size | Description | Category | Date Added | |
Final Vancouver 4-11 Critical Areas MAM Workshop Agenda.pdf | 712.4 KB |
Agenda with directions
Agenda with directions
| Agenda | 04/09/18 03:05 PM | |
1 2018-Southwest-Overview.pdf | 2.1 MB |
Overview of CA Monitoring
Overview of CA Monitoring
| Presentation | 04/09/18 03:06 PM | |
2-SW Workshop_Clark County&Camas.pdf | 3.9 MB |
Clark County and Camas Shoreline Monitoring
Clark County and Camas Shoreline Monitoring
| Presentation | 04/09/18 03:42 PM | |
3-2018-Southwest-CaseStudiesSources.pdf | 5.3 MB |
Case Studies and Other State Resources
Case Studies and Other State Resources
| Presentation | 04/09/18 03:43 PM | |
Vancouver Critical Areas Monitoring and Adaptive Management Workshop Activities.pdf | 408.5 KB |
Notes on Breakout Exercises
Notes on Breakout Exercises
| Meeting notes | 04/12/18 04:17 PM |
File Name | File Size | Description | Category | Date Added | |
Final Moses Lake 4-25 Critical Areas MAM Workshop Agenda.pdf | 907.1 KB |
Final Workshop Agenda
Final Workshop Agenda
| Agenda | 04/04/18 04:14 PM | |
1 2018-Eastern-CriticalAreasMonitoringpptx.pdf | 2.1 MB |
Overview of CA Monitoring
Overview of CA Monitoring
| Presentation | 04/18/18 04:56 PM | |
2 Douglas County Crit Areas Monitoring.pdf | 3.7 MB |
Douglas County CA Monitoring
Douglas County CA Monitoring
| Presentation | 04/18/18 04:57 PM | |
3 2018-EasternWA-CaseStudiesSources.pdf | 5.5 MB |
Case Studies and State Resources
Case Studies and State Resources
| Presentation | 04/18/18 04:59 PM | |
Moses Lake Critical Areas Monitoring and Adaptive Management exercises.pdf | 359.7 KB |
Meeting notes
Meeting notes
| Notes on Breakout Ex... | 04/26/18 10:10 AM |
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