7/27/2022 11:00 AM - CR 102 Public Hearing - GMA Rulemaking
Virtual Meeting
Commerce intends to hold public hearings on the proposed changes to WAC 365-190, WAC 365-195, and WAC 365-196. We will host virtual hearings through Zoom and encourage written comments. The most recent copies of the rules under consideration are available in the document library. Please submit comments by July 27, 2022 to gmarulemaking@commerce.wa.gov. ...
7/26/2022 5:00 PM - CR 102 Public Hearing - GMA Rulemaking
Virtual Hearing
Commerce intends to hold public hearings on the proposed changes to WAC 365-190, WAC 365-195, and WAC 365-196. We will host virtual hearings through Zoom and encourage written comments. The most recent copies of the rules under consideration are available in the document library. Please submit comments by July 27, 2022 to gmarulemaking@commerce.wa.gov. ...
1/19/2022 - Public Comment Deadline - Preliminary Draft
Commerce released a preliminary draft to encourage early feedback on proposed changes to our administrative rules. This allows us to work with stakeholders early in the rulemaking process to address your concerns and incorporate feedback before initiating the formal adoption process. Please submit written comments to gmarulemaking@commerce.wa.gov by January ...
12/13/2021 1:00 PM - Public Meeting - GMA Rulemaking
Virtual Meeting
Commerce staff will provide an overview of the rule update process, the project scope, and answer questions. We encourage you to read the preliminary draft language before attending a meeting.
Rulemaking Process Overview
Discussion of draft language:
WAC 365-190
WAC 365-195
WAC 365-196
Wrap-up & Next Step ...
12/9/2021 10:00 AM - Public Meeting - GMA Rulemaking
Virtual Meeting
Commerce staff will provide an overview of the rule update process, the project scope, and answer questions. We encourage you to read the preliminary draft language before attending a meeting.
Rulemaking Process Overview
Discussion of draft language:
WAC 365-190
WAC 365-195
WAC 365-196
Wrap-up & Next Step ...
12/8/2021 10:00 AM - Local Government Technical Advisory Group Meeting
Virtual Meeting
12/1/2021 10:00 AM - Local Government Technical Advisory Group Meeting
Virtual Meeting
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