Spanish translation available upon request. Contact the lead agency for more information.
QUADCO RTPO (Quad County Regional Transportation Planning Organization) is a four-county region made up of the counties, cities and towns within Adams, Grant, Kittitas and Lincoln Counties. Geographically, it covers an area of 9,214 square miles of central and eastern Washington. The primary purpose of QUADCO is to provide a forum for continuing, cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning and decision-making among the member agencies in the region.
QUADCO is currently updating its Regional Transporation Plan (RTP). This plan was first adopted in 1994 and has been updated regularly since.
An important element of QUADCO’s RTP is a description of transportation improvements needed to sustain QUADCO’s economic vitality. Other important elements will include accessibility, mobility, safety, and preservation. These elements will show what transportation improvements should be considered, where there are challenges and opportunities, and what future trends and growth patterns will impact our transportation system.
QUADCO’s regional transportation plan plays an important role in achieving consistency between state, county, city, and town plans and policies. The Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation, the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reservation and the Spokane Tribe of Indians are also encouraged to coordinate and participate in this plan update. All persons interested in participating in the development of this plan are being encouraged to do so in order to best reflect public interest and concerns in the QUADCO area.
Click the 'RTP' tab for the current QUADCO Regional Transportation Plan
Click the 'HSTP' tab for the current QUADCO Human Service Transportation Plan
For more information, including QUADCO activities and meetings, please email