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[Portal ID #1988]

MTCA Cleanup Rule

Comments on Preliminary Draft 2 Rule Changes (First Rulemaking AO#18-09)

September 8, 2022. During the First MTCA Cleanup Rule Update (AO#18-09, Chapter 173-340 WAC) STAG members began reviewing four versions of the second preliminary draft rule language called PD 2. The four versions contained the same draft rule changes; the four alternative presentations were designed to aid STAG's review. Ecology's briefing paper (p. 6) has details about the four versions.

October 13, 2022. STAG members and their constituents identified significant issues or concerns in PD2 and submitted their comments: 

  Additional documents

  1. Proposed rule text with tracked changes to Preliminary Draft 2 in PDF and Word.
    Reflects STAG's comments on PD2 and other changes. Document provided to STAG in March 2023.

  2. Proposed rule text with tracked & footnoted changes to the current rule (provided to the public on Ecology's website)
  3. Proposed rule text without tracked changes to the current rule (provided to the public on Ecology's website)

   Four versions provided for STAG's review on Sept. 8, 2022. See Ecology's briefing paper for details.

  1. Version 1 shows tracked changes from the first preliminary draft, with footnotes providing additional explanation.
    (Version 1 PDF) (Version 1 Word
  2. Version 2 shows tracked changes from the current MTCA Cleanup Rule (no footnotes). 
    (Version 2 PDF) (Version 2 Word
  3. Version 3 shows no tracked changes (i.e., clean version of final preliminary draft). 
    (Version 3 PDF) (Version 3 Word
  4. Version 4 shows only the environmental justice and tribal engagement changes. 
    (Version 4 PDF) (Version 4 Word)