AGENDA (draft subject to revision) MEETING NOTES PROPOSED RULE CHANGES (STAG responses and comments due to Ecology by Wednesday, April 15, 2020) Section 340: Biennial Program Report. Preliminary draft, Chapter 173-340 WAC (distributed Feb 25, 2020) WORD: Sections 350 and 360: Environmental Justice in Remedy Selection memo (distributed Mar 5, 2020) PDF: Sections 350 and 360: Environmental Justice in Remedy Selection memo (distributed Mar 5, 2020)
AGENDA (draft subject to revision)
PROPOSED RULE CHANGES (STAG responses and comments due to Ecology by Wednesday, April 15, 2020)
SUPPORTING MATERIALS TCP Policy 340 (withdrawn): Priority setting for sites under formal Ecology oversight (2004) "Ecology Launches Effort to Implement New Toxics Cleanup Law," Ecology newsletter excerpt (Aug 1989) EJ presentation: Integrating Environmental Justice with Cleanup Planning & Prioritization (Mar 2020) EJ presentation supplement: Environmental Justice Map Tool, Threshold Criteria and Suggested Actions (March 2020) Pollution Liability Insurance Agency (PLIA) updates (Dec 2019)
TCP Policy 340 (withdrawn): Priority setting for sites under formal Ecology oversight (2004)
"Ecology Launches Effort to Implement New Toxics Cleanup Law," Ecology newsletter excerpt (Aug 1989)
Pollution Liability Insurance Agency (PLIA) updates (Dec 2019)