Our statutes and regulations are developed and revised by the Well Construction Technical Advisory Group (TAG). This is a group of representatives from regulatory agencies and private industries with interests in well construction. Meetings are open to the public.
The TAG meets at least twice per year; however, additional meetings can be held if the group is working on revisions to law and rule. The TAG is composed of 14 primary members.
Join the TAG
We are currently accepting applications for new members. Each appointed member has a term limit of six years. We encourage new membership, but current members may reapply when their term expires. TAG members do not receive financial compensation for their service.
We are currently taking applications for the following TAG vacancy:
Licensed driller – experienced water well or resource protection operators are welcome to apply
If you are interested in becoming a member of the TAG, please send a cover letter, resume, and three references by email to TAG chair Scott Malone at scott.malone@ecy.wa.gov. If you have questions, email Scott or call him at 360-407-6648.
Sign up for TAG emails
TAG emails are available to both TAG members and the public.