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[Portal ID #1962]

Department of Ecology
Committees, Boards, and Workgroups

Spokane River Watershed Advisory Committee

Spokane River Watershed Advisory Committee

The Spokane River Watershed Advisory Committee page is devoted to all things associated with water quality in the Spokane River Watershed.




Spokane River Toxics Advisory Committee

The Spokane River Toxics Advisory Committee, or SRTAC, is a forum for issues related to toxics in the Spokane River Watershed. 

 The SRTAC is an Ecology led advisory committee that includes membership representing state agencies, local governments, tribes, environmental groups, consultants and other local concerned community members. Typical discussion topics include new and existing toxics in the Spokane River watershed and how to address and potentially mitigate those toxics. 


The SRTAC meets on the 4th Wednesday of every month from 1-3:30pm and offers a hybrid meeting option.  Virtual attendance is via Zoom and a link is provided through the meeting invite for each meeting. The in-person meeting location is held at the Spokane County Water Resource Center.

Spokane County Water Resource Center |1004 N Freya St. |Spokane, WA  99202

To be added to the meeting invite, please reach out to: Annie Simpson | annie.simpson@ecy.wa.gov | (509) 413-7096

August 28th Meeting

Legacy SRRTTF reports for review. The SRRTTF website link has been included as well, in case you'd like to look around at the other reports they have listed there. Comments on these reports need to be sent to Annie Simpson at annie.simpson@ecy.wa.gov, no later than end of day, Wednesday, September 18th:

July 24th Meeting

July Meeting documents for review: please review and get comments back to Annie by Monday August 26th

June Meeting-Cancelled

May Meeting- Cancelled in lieu of the Columbia River Basin Restoration Working Group Spring Meeting

April Meeting- Cancelled

March 27th Meeting

February 28th Meeting

January 24th Meeting 

October 25th Meeting

  •  Agenda

September 27th Meeting


 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
SRTAC January Agenda.pdf 113.6 KB
None 03/13/24 11:08 AM
February SRTAC Meeting Agenda.pdf 106.1 KB Agenda
None 03/18/24 12:47 PM
SRTAC-9-27-23.pdf 2 MB September Meeting presentation
September Meeting presentation
None 03/27/24 10:13 AM
SRTAC_Jan-2024.pdf 1.1 MB January Meeting Presentation
January Meeting Presentation
None 03/27/24 10:19 AM
SRTAC_Feb_24.pdf 2.1 MB February General Meeting Presentation
February General Meeting Presentation
None 03/27/24 10:21 AM
March SRTAC Meeting Agenda.pdf 144.6 KB March Meeting Agenda
March Meeting Agenda
None 03/27/24 10:35 AM
Mission_Reach_GW_Report_21June2023_PreliminaryDraft_app-tables_a-b.pdf 8 MB Groundwater Flow Direction Evaluations in the Spok...
Groundwater Flow Direction Evaluations in the Spokane River, Mission Reach
None 03/28/24 08:47 AM
Spokane2022SynopticSurveyReport_06212023__PreliminaryDraft.pdf 1.5 MB 2022 Spokane River PCB Expanded Synoptic Survey an...
2022 Spokane River PCB Expanded Synoptic Survey and Mass Balance Assessment
None 03/28/24 08:47 AM
SpokaneSedimentBiofilmReport_06212023_PreliminaryDraft.pdf 4.3 MB Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force 2022 Meas...
Spokane River Regional Toxics Task Force 2022 Measurement of PCBs in Biofilm and Sediment in the Spokane River
None 03/28/24 08:48 AM
SRRTTF_GE_PVA_Report_06-21-2023_PreliminaryDraft.pdf 2 MB Biofilm and Surface Water Fingerprinting of PCB Da...
Biofilm and Surface Water Fingerprinting of PCB Data near the General Electric Co. Site
None 03/28/24 08:49 AM
July SRTAC Meeting Agenda.pdf 106.4 KB July SRTAC Meeting Agenda
July SRTAC Meeting Agenda
None 08/07/24 01:28 PM
JulySRTAC-meeting.pdf 890.7 KB July Meeting General Presentation
July Meeting General Presentation
None 08/07/24 01:32 PM
WQA_SR_ToxicsTaskforce_72424.pdf 3 MB Water Quality Assessment Presentation
Water Quality Assessment Presentation
None 08/07/24 01:36 PM
Spokane River Toxics Advisory Committee Draft Charter.docx 17.9 KB SRTAC Draft Charter
SRTAC Draft Charter
None 08/07/24 01:41 PM
SRTAC-DRAFT PURPOSE STATEMENT.docx 15.2 KB SRTAC Draft Purpose Statement
SRTAC Draft Purpose Statement
None 08/07/24 01:42 PM
CRTRLE Presentation.ECOLOGY Advisory Meeting 7.24.24pptx.pptx (1).pdf 5.1 MB UCUT Columbia River Toxics Reduction Grant Present...
UCUT Columbia River Toxics Reduction Grant Presentation
None 08/22/24 07:27 AM
August SRTAC Meeting Agenda.pdf 107 KB August Meeting Agenda
August Meeting Agenda
None 08/22/24 07:35 AM
AugustSRTAC-meeting.pdf 820.5 KB August Meeting Presentation-Annie
August Meeting Presentation-Annie
None 08/30/24 02:51 PM
CRLeadEntityOverview2 (002).pdf 1.2 MB Ecology Columbia River Toxics Lead Entity Grant Pr...
Ecology Columbia River Toxics Lead Entity Grant Presentation
None 08/30/24 02:54 PM
Spokane WA-GE Response to SRRTTF.23.06.13.final.pdf 209.3 KB GE Response Letter-Bob Witsell, P.E.
GE Response Letter-Bob Witsell, P.E.
None 08/30/24 03:00 PM
20240828_SRTAC.pdf 3.2 MB Toxics Free Cosmetics Act Presentation
Toxics Free Cosmetics Act Presentation
None 08/30/24 03:21 PM

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