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[Portal ID #1962]

Department of Ecology
Committees, Boards, and Workgroups

Cap-and-Invest Electricity Forums

Powerline with trees along the side and fog in the distance

Electricity forums descriptions and purpose 

The Cap-and-Invest Electricity Forums with the Department of Ecology are a venue to centralize regular communications with interested parties within the electricity sector. The time will be used for two-way dialogue and feedback on a variety of topics, such as policy development, program timelines and more. The forums are not a workgroup.

Forum schedule

Ecology will schedule forums as seen necessary. To receive notifications about upcoming forums, please sign up for our Electricity email list.

Upcoming forums

  • Forum #2 - Late Fall 2024 (date and time to come)

Past forums

  • Oct. 3, 2024 from 9 -11 a.m. PT (Slides posted below and recording available)
    Forum included: introduction to forum structure, electricity topics under development, review of program timelines, and opportunity for comments on electricity topics


Camille Sultana
Senior Environmental Planner | Cap-and-Invest Program


 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
Electricity Forum #1 presentation.pdf 2.6 MB Forum #1 - Slides
Forum #1 - Slides
Presentation 10/03/24 04:25 PM

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