The Washington Clean Fuel Standard By requiring fuel suppliers to reduce the carbon intensity of transportation fuels, the Clean Fuel Standard will cut statewide greenhouse gas emissions by 4.3 million metric tons a year by 2038, and will stimulate economic development in low carbon fuel production.
Purpose and Objectives The Clean Fuel Standard: Agriculture and Forestland Carbon Capture & Sequestration Advisory Panel (AF-CCSAP) process will provide members meaningful opportunities to share their technical and policy expertise to inform and support the work of Ecology’s Clean Fuel Standard program.
This panel will provide a collaborative forum for members to offer individual and collective input and insight on how to best incentivize and allocate credits for the sequestration of greenhouse gases relating to transportation fuel through activities on agricultural and forestlands in Washington, including recommendations for:
How best to account for, incentivize, and award Clean Fuel Standard credits for carbon sequestration on agricultural and forest lands, with a focus on the production, distribution, and sale of transportation fuels.
Quantifying the carbon sequestration impact of current agricultural and forestry production and conservation practices, and estimating the potential due to future practices.
Identifying agricultural and forest land practices that have measurable greenhouse gas (GHG) benefits.
Identifying and developing standards for optimizing/maximizing carbon sequestration for practices on agricultural and forestlands.
Developing mechanisms for quantifying and allocating credits to incentivize carbon sequestration on agricultural and forestlands.
Ecology’s biennial review of innovative technologies and pathways that reduce GHG emissionsand increase credit generation opportunities on agricultural and forestlands, including advising on rules or guidance needed to maintain a stable credit market.