Former Orchard Lands Cleanup Model Code Creation and Soil Bank Feasibility Project
From the late 1800s to the 1950, orchardists throughout Central and Eastern Washington used lead arsenate pesticides to combat coddling moth infestations that threatened crops. These pesticides left arsenic and lead in the soil at rates exceeding legal limits on an estimated 188,000 acres of land in the state. Lead and arsenic have potential long-term human health implications. To learn more about historical orchards and how to address potential contamination, visit our former orchard lands page.
To reduce the risk of exposure to these chemicals, the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) established the Legacy Pesticides Working Group (LPWG) and contracted with Chelan County to hire Maul Foster & Alongi (MFA) to inform guidelines for pre-approved cleanup options. Using these guidelines, Ecology finalized the Model Remedies for Cleanup of Former Orchard Properties in Central and Eastern Washington. Now that the Model Remedies are in place, Ecology is working with the Washington State Association of Counties (WSAC) to develop tools to help local government and developers implement cleanup on historical orchard lands. Tools include model permitting procedures and codes and an evaluation of a potential clean soil bank facility.
Members of the Lead Arsenate Steering Committee
Joseph Calhoun
Planning Manger
City of Yakima
Adam Brizendine
General Manger
Selland Construction
Glen DeVries
Community Development Director
City of Wenatchee
Tommy Carroll
Planning Official
Yakima County
Chris Young
Building Official
Chelan County CD
Monica Libbey
City of Chelan
Greg Wendt
Benton County
Model Permitting Process and Code Development
Our goal is to create a streamlined process and model codes that can be integrated with local permitting processes. This tool will:
Provide greater predictability to developers,
Limit extensive review requirements for local planning staff,
Ensure that cleanup is properly implemented and documented, and
Ensure that future owners are notified of the model remedy used on the property.
The development of model code language will allow local jurisdictions to further streamline and formalize the permit process. A guidebook will be developed as a “how-to” for local jurisdictions interested in using the model codes. The permitting process, code, and guidebook will be developed in collaboration with
Soil Bank Feasibility Study
The LPWG Final Report (posted Jan. 21, 2021) identified conceptual models for soil bank programs that could support the need for clean soil in our region. The report also included a discussion on contaminated soil disposal options. The current effort will build upon this report to include:
Analysis of current and projected market needs for clean soil and contaminated soil disposal options,
Further development of soil bank conceptual models, and
Screening of conceptual models against regional needs to identify preferred concepts.
The goal of this process is to identify soil bank strategies that will fit the needs of the region and outline next steps for development of these facilities.
Ways to Engage
Community meetings will be held in Yakima, Chelan, Okanogan, Douglas, and/or Benton counties and will take place both virtually and in-person*. During these meetings staff will share general information about arsenic and lead contamination as well as project updates. Attendees will be encouraged to ask questions and provide feedback.
To learn more about these community meetings, please send an email inquiry to
*In-person events will follow state and local public health guidelines for COVID-19.
Project Timeline
The graphic below includes an estimated timeline for this work and is subject to change.