The Residential Heating process is currently paused. If you would like to be on our email list if/when the process resumes, please contact Harrison Ashby at or 360-485-2771.
Ecology met with Tribes, stakeholders, and the public to gather ideas for potential measures to assist customers who heat their homes with fuels other than electricity and natural gas. TheClimate Commitment Act(CCA) includes measures to assist residents who use electric and natural gas heating. Section 47of the CCA also directs Ecology to develop a proposal for how to assist households that use other heating sources, including fuel oil and propane.
Initial meetings took place in October and November of 2022.
We will share information and documents on this webpage as we meet the requirements of Section 47.
Get involved, provide your input
Ecology held two stakeholder meetings to talk about existing resources for customers, and hear feedback about how we can expand these resources. PowerPoint presentations from these meetings can be found at the bottom of the page.