Ecology studies three tributaries in the White/Puyallup River watershed — Boise, Pussyfoot, and Second Creeks — for ten years to determine the effectiveness of best management plan (BMP) implementation and restoration projects in the watershed. Ecology monitors near the mouth of each creek monthly for all ten years to track the status and trends of water quality conditions. Every five years of the study, monitoring involves a more intensive effort of visiting approximately 30 sites twice per month. Ecology also conducts source-tracing activities to identify and eliminate pollution sources near sites that have particularly high concentrations of bacteria or nutrients.
The Puyallup River Watershed Partnership partners, including King County Stormwater Services, Washington State Department of Agriculture, and Ecology, update bacteria data on the Whatcom Conservation District StoryMap. This StoryMap allows multiple partners to share and map information in one place.
You can explore King County Stormwater Services bacteria data for Puyallup tributaries of the Enumclaw Plateau on these Tableau data visualization pages: