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Department of Ecology
Committees, Boards, and Workgroups

Toxic Free Cosmetics

The Department of Ecology will use this site to share information and draft documents with interested parties as we implement Chapter 70A.560 Revised Code of Washington (RCW), the Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act.

Summer 2024 webinars

July 23, 2024, 9–11 a.m. We presented a preliminary draft rule to restrict formaldehyde-releasing chemicals in cosmetics and personal care products. 

June 11, 2024, 9 a.m. Attendees learned about the Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act, asked questions, provided feedback on the act and shared thoughts on potential draft rule requirements. 

Informal public comment period, May 22 - Aug. 13, 2024

Review and comment on our efforts to implement the Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act (TFCA) and preliminary draft rule requirements for the cosmetics rulemaking.

We would like to hear from manufacturers, the public, cosmetologists, and cosmetic businesses, associations, and organizations. Your comments will help inform our implementation efforts and elements of the preliminary draft rule.

Rulemaking announcement, May 22, 2024

The Washington Department of Ecology (Ecology) started a rulemaking to develop a new chapter in the Washington Administrative Code (WAC): Chapter 173-339 WAC—Cosmetic Products Restrictions.

Under the authority of Chapter 70A.560 RCW (Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act), Ecology may adopt a rule that identifies chemicals used in cosmetic products that release formaldehyde (formaldehyde releasers) and adopt restrictions for the identified formaldehyde releasers. 

About the Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act

In 2023, Washington Legislature passed the Toxic-Free Cosmetics Act (TFCA) (Chapter 70A.560 RCW) to improve cosmetic and personal care product safety and protect Washington’s residents and environment from toxic chemicals.

TFCA restricts the manufacture, distribution, and sale of cosmetic products that contain certain toxic chemicals within Washington. It also directs Ecology to:

  • Evaluate the hazards of chemicals with the same function as restricted chemicals that may be safer.
  • Provide technical support to small businesses that make or use cosmetic products.
  • Identify and then conduct a rulemaking to restrict chemicals that release formaldehyde.

Learn more on our website

Related information

TFCA updates

To receive updates by email, subscribe to the Toxic-Free Cosmetics email list.

ADA Accessibility

The Department of Ecology is committed to providing people with disabilities access to information and services by meeting or exceeding the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), Section 504 and 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, and Washington State Policy #188. To request an ADA accommodation, contact Ecology by phone at 360-407-6700 or email at hwtrpubs@ecy.wa.gov. For Washington Relay Service or TTY call 711 or 877-833-6341. Visit Ecology’s website for more information.


 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
TFCA_Webinar_ 2024_07-23.pdf 2.5 MB Presentation slides for TFCA July 23 2024 webinar
Presentation slides for TFCA July 23 2024 webinar
Rulemaking 07/22/24 06:48 PM
TFCA_PrelimDraftRule_2024-07.pdf 272.9 KB Preliminary draft rule language
Preliminary draft rule language
Rulemaking 07/22/24 04:26 PM
11June2024-TFCA-webinarSlides.pdf 3.5 MB Presentation slides for TFCA June 11 2024 webinar
Presentation slides for TFCA June 11 2024 webinar
None 06/07/24 05:01 PM
TFCA-Rulemaking-FormaldehydeReleasersList.pdf 297.7 KB List of formaldehyde-releasing chemicals
List of formaldehyde-releasing chemicals
None 06/07/24 05:00 PM