Participants in the Clean Fuel Standard program can find guidance documents, user guides, and forms and templates to support program participation. To stay informed when new documents are added, and for general program information, join our email list.
User Guides
Producers and suppliers of regulated fuels to Washington consumers must participate and register in the Washington Fuels Reporting System (WFRS) and Alternative Fuel Portal (AFP). Guidance on how to register accounts and fuel supply equipment, and how to apply for a fuel pathway.
WFRS-CBTS User Guide – This user guide gives instructions about how to register for an account in Washington Fuels Reporting System - Credit Bank and Transfer System
AFP User Guide– This user guide gives instructions about how to register for an account in the Alternative Fuel Portal
AFP Attestation Letter – This form is required for all fuel pathway applications in the Alternative Fuel Portal
Biomethane or Biogas Attestation Letter – This form is required for all Tier 1 fuel pathway applications involving biomethane or biogas in the Alternative Fuel Portal
FCI Cost and Revenue Reporting Template - Participants claiming FCI credits are required to submit this template each quarter as a supplemental document to their quarterly report in WFRS
Approved FCI Applications
As of January 24, 2025 there have been a total of 50 sites approved under the FCI provision, with a total of 120 chargers.
FCI applications can be approved until estimated potential FCI credits from all approved applications exceed 2.5 percent of deficits in the prior quarter. The table below shows the prior quarter deficits and will be updated quarterly. The estimated potential FCI credits will be updated as applications are approved.
We charge a fee to participate in the Clean Fuel Standard program. This fee covers the cost of administering the program and is based on the estimated budget for the coming year.
Electric utility residential EV charging revenue investment
This guidance is for electric utilities participating in the CFS on how to comply with their obligations under section 70A.535.080 RCW of the CFS statute, and Chapter 173-424-420(7) WAC of the CFS rule.The CFS law and regulation require that revenues from residential EV charging credit sales be spent on transportation electrification projects within the utility’s service territory, and that the participating utilities must report information annually to Ecology.