Today is
[Portal ID #1962]

Department of Ecology
Committees, Boards, and Workgroups

Use Food Well Campaign

Visit the Resources page on Usefoodwell.org to access the materials. Feel free to use these materials in your own advertising channels. If possible, share how you used them with our team by emailing FoodCenter@ecy.wa.gov.

Visita la página de recursos en aprovechalosalimentos.org para acceder a los materiales. No dudes en utilizar estos materiales en tus propios canales publicitarios. Si es posible, comparte con nuestro equipo cómo los has utilizado enviando un correo electrónico a FoodCenter@ecy.wa.gov.


 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
Use Food Well_Partner Toolkit_Evergreen Copy_5.23.2024_EN and ES.docx 125.3 KB English and Spanish Use Food Well Toolkit
English and Spanish Use Food Well Toolkit
None 07/31/24 08:57 AM
Holiday Use Food Well Toolkit_Updated.docx 1.2 MB Holiday Toolkit in English and Spanish
Holiday Toolkit in English and Spanish
None 12/12/24 12:15 PM

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