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[Portal ID #1962]

Department of Ecology
Committees, Boards, and Workgroups

Skagit Tributaries Temperature Strategy


In 2004, the Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) published a study about high surface water temperatures in several tributaries to the Lower Skagit River. Ecology completed a Water Quality Improvement Report (WQIR or Total Maximum Daily Load/TMDL) in 2008 which described the severity of the impairment and restoration methods to reduce water temperatures. Reestablishing riparian forested buffers is the primary restoration practice needed to reduce water temperature.

Forested buffers increase effective shade and reduce the potential of surface water heating. Numerous organizations are actively working in the Skagit River watershed to promote salmon recovery through plantings, easements, property acquisition, and other multi-benefit restoration practices. However, based on the historic and current rates of restoration, the TMDL’s goal of planting 100% of all riparian areas by 2020 will not be met.

The slow pace of restoration led the Puget Sound Partnership Leadership Council to adopt Resolution 2019-02 in March 2019 requesting “…the Department of Ecology develop and implement a nonpoint Strategy to achieve temperature standards. Ecology agreed to convene an Advisory Group and prepare the “Lower Skagit Tributaries Temperature Implementation Strategy”  by December 31, 2019. Due to the short timeline and limited funding, the Strategy describes broad, high level goals to inform future work and discussions, and identified specific actions that Ecology will take in the near term.

Ecology invited representatives from local government units, tribes, non-profit organizations, conservation organizations, and stakeholder groups to attend a series of five meetings to develop, inform, and refine the Strategy with the intent to renew efforts and refocus attention on surface water temperatures in the TMDL area. The Lower Skagit Tributaries Advisory Group helps the Washington State Department of Ecology identify issues, priorities and opportunities for implementing the temperature TMDL.

Our meetings are open to the public.

2021 Meeting Schedule

TBD Feb 2021

TBD June 2021

TBD Sept 2021

TBD Dec 2021

2020 Meeting Schedule

April 21, 2020

July 23, 2020

2019 Meeting Schedule

July 31 2019
Mount Vernon

August 29 2019
Mount Vernon

September 27 2019
Mount Vernon

October 28 2019
Mount Vernon

November 26 2019
Mount Vernon

Meeting Materials (Handouts, Presentations, Agendas, Etc)

July 23, 2020  

April 21, 2020

November 26, 2019

October 28, 2019

September 27, 2019

August 29, 2019

July 31, 2019


Lower Skagit Tributaries Advisory Group (AG) Members

Alison Halpern
Washington State Conservation Commission

Alison Studley
Skagit Fisheries Enhancement Group

Allen Rozema
Skagitonians to Preserve Farmland

Amy Trainer
Swinomish Indian Tribe

Aundrea McBride
Skagit Watershed Council

Bill Blake
Skagit Conservation District

Bob Warinner
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

Brandon Roozen
Western Washington Agricultural Association

Dan Berentson
Skagit County

Devin Smith
Skagit River Systems Cooperative

Don McMoran
WSU Skagit County Extension

Erin Murray
Puget Sound Partnership

Jason Vander Kooy
Skagit Family Farmers

Jenna Friebel
Skagit Drainage and Irrigation Disrict Consortium

Jon-Paul Shannahan
Upper Skagit Indian Tribe

Karen DuBose
Skagit County

Kevin Jackman
Skagit County

Kristi Carpenter
Skagit Conservation District

Michael See
Skagit County

Richard Brocksmith
Skagit Watershed Council

Rick Hartson
Upper Skagit Indian Tribe

Ron Shultz
Washington Conservation Commission

Scott Morris
Sauk-Suiattle Indian Tribe

Steve Hinton
Skagit River Systems Cooperative

Susan Madsen
Skagit Fisheries Enhancement Group

Wendy Cole
Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

Below is a database listing all of the documents linked above.


 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
Lower Skagit Temp TMDL Meeting 7_23_2020 .pdf 3.5 MB Meeting presentation
Meeting presentation
None 12/15/20 02:53 PM
Necessary for success - Wordcloud.JPG 140.7 KB
None 12/15/20 10:35 AM
Lower Skagit Temp TMDL Meeting 4_21_2020.pdf 2.3 MB Meeting presentation
Meeting presentation
None 12/15/20 09:57 AM
Watershed Selection.pdf 2.9 MB Meeting presentation
Meeting presentation
None 12/15/20 08:20 AM
S Fk Nooksack - Temp effects.pdf 1.7 MB Meeting presentation
Meeting presentation
None 12/15/20 07:43 AM
LST Meeting Agenda 9_27_2019.pdf 520.7 KB Meeting Agenda
Meeting Agenda
None 12/14/20 02:55 PM
VSP and Clean Water Fact sheet.pdf 216.5 KB Fact Sheet
Fact Sheet
None 12/14/20 02:32 PM
LST Meeting Agenda 10_28_2019.pdf 460.8 KB Meeting Agenda
Meeting Agenda
None 12/14/20 02:32 PM
Lower Skagit Temp TMDL Meeting 11_26.pdf 2.2 MB Meeting presentation
Meeting presentation
None 12/14/20 02:32 PM
Lower Skagit Temp TMDL Meeting 10_28.pdf 1.2 MB Meeting presentation
Meeting presentation
None 12/14/20 02:31 PM
Lower Skagit Temp TMDL Meeting 9_27.pdf 1.3 MB Meeting presentation
Meeting presentation
None 12/14/20 02:31 PM
Lower Skagit Temp TMDL Meeting 8_29.pdf 1.3 MB Meeting presentation
Meeting presentation
None 12/14/20 02:31 PM
Lower Skagit Temp TMDL Meeting 7_31.pdf 1.1 MB Meeting presentation
Meeting presentation
None 12/14/20 11:16 AM
Update on Public Engagement Efforts 7_23_2020.pdf 668.4 KB Presentation
Presentation 12/03/20 12:12 PM
List of Attendees 4_21_2020.pdf 389.1 KB Sign In Sheet
Sign In Sheet
Sign In Sheet 12/03/20 11:57 AM
Sign In Sheet 11_26_2019.pdf 691.9 KB Sign In Sheet
Sign In Sheet
Sign In Sheet 12/03/20 09:19 AM
Sign In Sheet 7_31_2019.pdf 673.7 KB Sign In Sheet
Sign In Sheet
Sign In Sheet 12/03/20 09:15 AM
LST Meeting Agenda 7_23_20.pdf 480.8 KB Meeting Agenda
Meeting Agenda
Meeting agenda 11/25/20 02:39 PM
LST Meeting Agenda 11_26_2019.pdf 490 KB Meeting Agenda
Meeting Agenda
Meeting agenda 11/24/20 12:06 PM
LST Meeting Agenda 10_28_2019.pdf 460.8 KB Meeting Agenda
Meeting Agenda
Meeting agenda 11/24/20 12:01 PM
LST Meeting Agenda 8_29_2019.pdf 477.9 KB Meeting Agenda
Meeting Agenda
Meeting agenda 11/24/20 11:59 AM
2019_02_Approved_LC Resolution Lower Skagit TMDL Implementation.pdf 342.1 KB Puget Sound Partnership Resolution 2019-02
Puget Sound Partnership Resolution 2019-02
Resolution 11/23/20 01:17 PM

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