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Department of Ecology
Committees, Boards, and Workgroups

Stormwater Work Group

This page is run by the Washington State Department of Ecology and is where all Stormwater Work Group documents are available for public access.

About the Stormwater Work Group

The Stormwater Work Group (SWG) is a collaborative of people from local, state, federal, and Tribal governments, environmental and business organizations, public ports, and the agricultural sector. The purpose of the SWG is:

  • To support efforts to restore the Salish Sea ecosystem and protect water quality and stream habitat throughout Washington
  • To sustainably implement and oversee the Stormwater Action Monitoring (SAM) collective - a cooperative, permittee-driven stormwater monitoring and assessment program
  • To provide actionable information for stormwater managers about reducing harm caused by stormwater through SAM, convening the SWG, and working collaboratively with partners

To learn more about the SWG and its objectives, view the 2024-2025 SWG Work Plan.

SWG 6PPD Subgroup

The SWG also sponsors the SWG 6PPD Subgroup, which is a space for sharing information about 6PPD, 6PPD-quinone, and tire wear particle pollution. 

Contact Us

Please contact Madison Rose Bristol at madison.bristol@ecy.wa.gov if you have questions or feedback about the SWG.


 File NameFile SizeDescriptionCategoryDate Added
2.5.2025 6PPD Subgroup.pdf 745.5 KB
Meeting material 02/12/25 03:23 PM
2.12.25 SWG Orientation.pdf 330.1 KB SWG Orientation
SWG Orientation
Meeting material 02/10/25 04:54 PM
LAU WQ Stormwater Group Presentation (1).pdf 1.3 MB 6PPD Lab Accreditation Presentation
6PPD Lab Accreditation Presentation
Meeting material 02/10/25 02:48 PM
2.12.2025 SWG Meeting Final Agenda.pdf 385.4 KB 2.12.25 SWG Agenda
2.12.25 SWG Agenda
Meeting agenda 01/31/25 10:38 AM
02.05.25_Meeting Agenda.pdf 134.8 KB 02.05.25 SWG 6PPD Subgroup Agenda
02.05.25 SWG 6PPD Subgroup Agenda
Meeting agenda 01/24/25 11:17 AM
11.12.25 Stormwater Work Group Quarterly Meeting.ics 16.7 KB 11.12.25 SWG Calendar Invite
11.12.25 SWG Calendar Invite
Calendar Invite 12/11/24 01:12 PM
9.10.25 Stormwater Work Group Quarterly Meeting.ics 16.7 KB 9.10.25 SWG Calendar Invite
9.10.25 SWG Calendar Invite
Calendar Invite 12/11/24 01:11 PM
5.14.25 Stormwater Work Group Quarterly Meeting In-PersonHybrid.ics 17.1 KB 5.14.25 SWG Calendar Invite
5.14.25 SWG Calendar Invite
Calendar Invite 12/11/24 01:10 PM
2.12.25 Stormwater Work Group Quarterly Meeting.ics 16.8 KB 2.12.25 SWG Calendar Invite
2.12.25 SWG Calendar Invite
Calendar Invite 12/11/24 01:08 PM
11.13.2024 SWG Meeting Summary.pdf 407.5 KB 11.13.2024 SWG Meeting Summary
11.13.2024 SWG Meeting Summary
Meeting summary 12/11/24 09:59 AM
SWG 6PPD Subgroup_02.05.25 .ics 15.3 KB 02.05.25 SWG 6PPD Subgroup Invite
02.05.25 SWG 6PPD Subgroup Invite
Calendar Invite 12/09/24 10:20 AM
11.13.2024S8EWAPermitteesMeetingAgenda(1).pdf 178.9 KB 11.13.24 E WA Meeting
11.13.24 E WA Meeting
Meeting agenda 11/07/24 03:41 PM
11.13.2024 Stormwater Work Group Quarterly Meeting.ics 36.2 KB 11.13.24 SWG Calendar Invite
11.13.24 SWG Calendar Invite
Calendar Invite 11/07/24 03:19 PM
11.13.2024 SWG Meeting Agenda (2).pdf 266.4 KB 11.13.24 SWG Agenda
11.13.24 SWG Agenda
Meeting agenda 11/07/24 02:59 PM
10.4.24_SWG 6PPD Subgroup Meeting Notes.pdf 222.5 KB 10.4.24 Meeting Notes
10.4.24 Meeting Notes
Meeting summary 10/24/24 01:04 PM
20241003_SWG_6PPD.pdf 6.5 MB 10.4.24 6PPD Subgroup Slides Herrera
10.4.24 6PPD Subgroup Slides Herrera
Meeting material 10/11/24 02:00 PM
6ppdq_Oct4meeting.pdf 5.1 MB 10.4.24 6PPD Subgroup Slides
10.4.24 6PPD Subgroup Slides
Meeting material 10/11/24 01:59 PM
9.11.2024 SWG Meeting Notes (4).pdf 283 KB 9.11.2024 SWG Meeting Summary
9.11.2024 SWG Meeting Summary
Meeting summary 10/01/24 12:48 PM
9.11.2024 Intro to SWG.pdf 370.9 KB 9.11.2024 Presentation
9.11.2024 Presentation
Meeting material 09/25/24 11:34 AM
10_4_6ppdq_draft Meeting Agenda.pdf 717.3 KB 10.04.24 SWG 699D Subgroup
10.04.24 SWG 699D Subgroup
Meeting agenda 09/19/24 01:41 PM
9.11.2024 SWG Meeting Agenda.pdf 275.7 KB 9.11.2024 In-person SWG Meeting Agenda
9.11.2024 In-person SWG Meeting Agenda
Meeting agenda 09/04/24 03:27 PM
Transportation Options - SWG Meeting.pdf 160.8 KB Transportation guide for meeting
Transportation guide for meeting
Meeting material 08/23/24 02:18 PM
Directions to the Aspect Consulting office.pdf 144.9 KB Directions for In-Person 9.11.24 meeting
Directions for In-Person 9.11.24 meeting
Meeting material 08/22/24 02:23 PM
In-Person and Hybrid - 9.11.24 Stormwater Work Group Quarterly Meeting.ics 31.2 KB In-Person and Hybrid: 9.11.24 SWG Quarterly Meetin...
In-Person and Hybrid: 9.11.24 SWG Quarterly Meeting
Calendar Invite 08/15/24 03:45 PM
10.04.24 SWG 6PPD Subgroup Meeting.ics 13.7 KB 10.04.24 SWG 699D Subgroup
10.04.24 SWG 699D Subgroup
Calendar Invite 08/07/24 02:52 PM
2024-2025 SWG Work Plan (Final).docx.pdf 309.5 KB 2024-2025 SWG Work Plan
2024-2025 SWG Work Plan
#NEW_CATEGORY# 07/02/24 11:38 AM
6.12.24 SWG 6PPD Subgroup - MeetingMinutes.pdf 288.5 KB
Meeting material 06/27/24 12:05 PM
EPA VELMA Model Presentation_06.12.24.pdf 3.3 MB
Meeting material 06/25/24 11:40 AM
6.12.24 SWG 6PPD Subgroup - Agenda.docx 31.4 KB 06.12.24 SWG 6PPD Subgroup Agenda
06.12.24 SWG 6PPD Subgroup Agenda
Meeting agenda 05/28/24 09:46 AM
5.15.2024 SWG Meeting Notes (4).pdf 557 KB 5.15.2024 SWG Meeting Summary
5.15.2024 SWG Meeting Summary
Meeting summary 05/22/24 02:23 PM
5.15.2024 SWG Work Plan .pptx 147.5 KB 5.15.2024 SWG Work Plan Presentation
5.15.2024 SWG Work Plan Presentation
Meeting material 05/20/24 04:57 PM
5.15.2024 SWG members.pptx 422.9 KB 5.15.2024 SWG Voting Members Presentation
5.15.2024 SWG Voting Members Presentation
Meeting material 05/20/24 04:54 PM
5.15.2024 SWG Agenda.docx.pdf 95.9 KB May 15, 2024 SWG Meeting Agenda
May 15, 2024 SWG Meeting Agenda
Meeting agenda 05/08/24 12:32 PM
PRO-C_Administrative Entity Report Card 2022.pdf 216.8 KB PRO-C
None 05/02/24 09:08 AM
PROC Charter.pdf 129.3 KB PRO-C
None 05/02/24 09:06 AM
6.12.24 SWG 6PPD Subgroup Meeting .ics 16.7 KB 6PPD Subgroup 6.12.24 Calendar Invite
6PPD Subgroup 6.12.24 Calendar Invite
Calendar Invite 05/01/24 05:24 PM
03.13.24 SWG 6PPD Subgroup - Notes.pdf 271.3 KB SWG 6PPD Subgroup 3.13.24 Meeting Notes
SWG 6PPD Subgroup 3.13.24 Meeting Notes
Meeting summary 04/03/24 03:22 PM
03.13.24 6PPD Roadmap.pdf 291.2 KB 3.13.24 6PPD Roadmap
3.13.24 6PPD Roadmap
Meeting material 03/26/24 12:58 PM
03.13.24 Don't Wait to Inflate and 6PPD 2024.pdf 2.6 MB 3.13.24 Don't Wait to Inflate
3.13.24 Don't Wait to Inflate
Meeting material 03/26/24 12:57 PM
3.13.24 SWG 6PPD Subgroup - Agenda.docx 26.6 KB 3.13.24 SWG 6PPD Subgroup Agenda
3.13.24 SWG 6PPD Subgroup Agenda
Meeting agenda 03/05/24 04:52 PM
3.13.24 SWG 6PPD Subgroup Quarterly Meeting.ics 24.3 KB 3.13.24 SWG 6PPD Subgroup Calendar Invite
3.13.24 SWG 6PPD Subgroup Calendar Invite
Calendar Invite 02/28/24 03:23 PM
2.7.2024 SWG Meeting Notes (4).pdf 515.8 KB meeting summary
meeting summary
Meeting summary 02/28/24 11:25 AM
2.7.2024 SWG Engagement Presentation.pptx 97.4 KB 2.7.2024 Member Engagement Presentation
2.7.2024 Member Engagement Presentation
Meeting material 02/14/24 04:31 PM
2.7.2024 SWG Agenda.pdf 494 KB 2.7.2024 SWG Meeting Agenda
2.7.2024 SWG Meeting Agenda
Meeting agenda 01/31/24 04:04 PM
11.13.24 Stormwater Work Group Quarterly Meeting.ics 67.8 KB 11.13.24 SWG iCalendar
11.13.24 SWG iCalendar
Calendar Invite 01/11/24 02:03 PM
5.15.24 Stormwater Work Group Quarterly Meeting.ics 67.8 KB 5.15.24 SWG iCalendar
5.15.24 SWG iCalendar
Calendar Invite 01/11/24 01:59 PM
2.7.24 Stormwater Work Group Quarterly Meeting.ics 37.7 KB 2.7.24 SWG iCalendar
2.7.24 SWG iCalendar
Calendar Invite 01/11/24 01:59 PM
12.13.2023 SWG 6PPD Subgroup Meeting Notes.docx (1).pdf 71.2 KB Meeting notes for SWG 12.13.2023 meeting
Meeting notes for SWG 12.13.2023 meeting
Meeting material 01/03/24 02:02 PM
9.27.23 SWG 6PPD Subgroup Meeting Notes.pdf 265.1 KB Meeting notes for 6PPD Subgroup
Meeting notes for 6PPD Subgroup
Meeting material 01/03/24 02:00 PM
6PPD-Q Subgroup Presentation.pdf 2.6 MB 12.13.23 Presentation - SWG 6PPD Subgroup
12.13.23 Presentation - SWG 6PPD Subgroup
Meeting material 12/26/23 04:16 PM
12.13.23 SWG 6PPD Subgroup Agenda .docx 18.2 KB 6PPD Subgroup 12.13.23 Agenda
6PPD Subgroup 12.13.23 Agenda
None 12/11/23 11:06 AM
12.13.23 SWG 6PPD Subgroup Quarterly Meeting.ics 11.4 KB Calendar invite 6PPD Subgroup 12.13.23
Calendar invite 6PPD Subgroup 12.13.23
None 11/30/23 11:51 AM
SWG 11.15.23 Meeting Summary.docx 68.7 KB 11.15.23 Meeting Summary
11.15.23 Meeting Summary
None 11/28/23 05:31 PM
SWG_SAM Recommendations 2023.pdf 94.5 KB SWG final recommendations on SAM funding
SWG final recommendations on SAM funding
Meeting material 11/22/23 05:48 PM
SWG 2024_2029 NPDES Permit Comments.pdf 99.4 KB SWG Comments on NPDES Permits
SWG Comments on NPDES Permits
Meeting material 11/22/23 05:48 PM
11.15.23 SWG Quarterly Agenda.docx 82.8 KB 11.15.23 Meeting Agenda
11.15.23 Meeting Agenda
Meeting agenda 11/13/23 10:38 AM
11.15.23 SWG Quarterly Meeting.ics 10.7 KB Calendar invite SWG 11.15
Calendar invite SWG 11.15
None 10/31/23 01:43 PM
SWG Sept 13 2023 Meeting Notes.docx 71.9 KB 9.13.23 SWG Meeting Summary
9.13.23 SWG Meeting Summary
Meeting summary 09/28/23 05:44 PM
9.27.23 SWG 6PPD Subgroup - Agenda.docx 18.4 KB SWG 6PPD 9.27.23 Agenda
SWG 6PPD 9.27.23 Agenda
None 09/21/23 05:11 PM
9.13.23 SWG Quarterly Agenda.docx 71 KB 9.13.23 SWG Agenda
9.13.23 SWG Agenda
Meeting agenda 09/08/23 10:05 AM
Toxics Pod Recruitment Announcement.pdf 773.2 KB Toxics Pod recruitment annoucement
Toxics Pod recruitment annoucement
Meeting material 09/07/23 02:08 PM
9.13 SWG Quarterly Meeting.ics 10.4 KB Calendar invite SWG 9.13
Calendar invite SWG 9.13
None 08/08/23 04:47 PM
Quarterly SWG 6PPD Subgroup Meeting.ics 11.6 KB 9.27.23 6PPD Subgroup Calendar Invite
9.27.23 6PPD Subgroup Calendar Invite
Calendar Invite 07/27/23 04:29 PM
SWG May172023 Meeting Notes.docx 63.8 KB 5.17.2023 SWG Meeting Summary
5.17.2023 SWG Meeting Summary
Meeting summary 05/25/23 09:41 AM
5.17.23 SWG Quarterly Meeting Agenda.docx 71.2 KB 5.17.23 SWG Meeting Agenda
5.17.23 SWG Meeting Agenda
None 05/15/23 03:58 PM
5.4.23 SWG 6PPD Subgroup Meeting notes.docx 35.8 KB 5.4.23 SWG 6PPD Subgroup meeting notes
5.4.23 SWG 6PPD Subgroup meeting notes
Meeting summary 05/15/23 10:47 AM
5.4.23 6PPD Subgroup Meeting.ics 13.1 KB 6PPD Subgroup 5.4.23 Calendar Invite
6PPD Subgroup 5.4.23 Calendar Invite
None 04/28/23 12:31 PM
5.4.23 6PPD Subgroup Meeting Agenda.docx 15.4 KB 6PPD Subgroup 5.4.23 agenda
6PPD Subgroup 5.4.23 agenda
Meeting agenda 04/28/23 08:59 AM
5.4.23 6PPD Subgroup Meeting.ics 12.7 KB 6PPD Subgroup 5.4.23 Calendar Invite
6PPD Subgroup 5.4.23 Calendar Invite
None 03/01/23 04:17 PM
WA Ecology 6PPD 20230301 AK DOT.pdf 3.1 MB Slide deck for AK DOT presentation on 6PPD/q
Slide deck for AK DOT presentation on 6PPD/q
Meeting material 03/01/23 02:41 PM
2.23.23 6PPDq presentation for NEIWPCC.pdf 2.5 MB Slide deck for NEIWPCC presentation
Slide deck for NEIWPCC presentation
Meeting material 02/27/23 04:15 PM
2024 EWA Phase II Muni SW Permit - S8 check in.ics 10.3 KB EWA S8 Calendar Invite
EWA S8 Calendar Invite
Meeting agenda 02/22/23 04:49 PM
SWG Feb82023 Meeting Notes.docx 61 KB 2.8.23 Final Meeting Notes
2.8.23 Final Meeting Notes
Meeting summary 02/21/23 12:57 PM
SWG agenda Feb82023.docx 71.3 KB 2.8.23 Meeting Agenda
2.8.23 Meeting Agenda
Meeting agenda 01/30/23 03:51 PM
1.17.23 Final Meeting Notes.docx 49.7 KB 6PPD Subgroup 1.17.23 Meeting Notes
6PPD Subgroup 1.17.23 Meeting Notes
Meeting summary 01/26/23 11:06 AM
1.17.23 6PPD Subgroup Meeting Agenda.docx 15 KB 6PPD Subgroup 1.17.23 agenda
6PPD Subgroup 1.17.23 agenda
Meeting agenda 01/10/23 03:01 PM
SWG Quarterly Meeting 11.15.ics 10 KB Calendar invite SWG 11.15
Calendar invite SWG 11.15
Meeting agenda 12/20/22 03:36 PM
SWG Quarterly Meeting 9.13.ics 10 KB Calendar invite SWG 9.13
Calendar invite SWG 9.13
Meeting agenda 12/20/22 03:35 PM
SWG Quarterly Meeting 5.17.ics 10 KB Calendar invite SWG 5.17
Calendar invite SWG 5.17
Meeting agenda 12/20/22 03:35 PM
SWG Quarterly meeting 2.8.ics 19.2 KB Calendar invite SWG 2/8/23
Calendar invite SWG 2/8/23
Meeting agenda 12/20/22 09:32 AM
SWGmtgSummary for distribtution.docx 101.7 KB 11/16/22 Meeting Summary
11/16/22 Meeting Summary
Meeting summary 12/12/22 03:26 PM
6PPD Subgroup Meeting .ics 55.1 KB 6PPD Subgroup 1.17.23 Calendar Invite
6PPD Subgroup 1.17.23 Calendar Invite
Meeting agenda 11/28/22 04:09 PM
SWG_meeting_slides_20221116.pptx 10.7 MB Business Source Control study slides
Business Source Control study slides
Meeting material 11/22/22 10:42 AM
Updated work plan.doc 164.5 KB Work plan DRAFT
Work plan DRAFT
Meeting material 11/15/22 05:33 PM
Final SWG agenda 11_16 meeting.docx 120 KB Agenda for 11_16_22
Agenda for 11_16_22
Meeting agenda 11/09/22 04:53 PM
Round 4 SAM Study Topic Proposal List for SWG vote.pdf 134.8 KB Round 4 Topic List for vote
Round 4 Topic List for vote
Meeting material 11/09/22 03:24 PM
Final SWG agenda 11_16 meeting.docx 98 KB Agenda for 11_16_22
Agenda for 11_16_22
Meeting agenda 11/09/22 03:22 PM
PCB guidance.pdf 2.4 MB ECY PCB Guidance
ECY PCB Guidance
#NEW_CATEGORY# 11/06/22 12:02 PM
Stormwater Work Group Reporter_October.docx 18.3 KB October Reporter
October Reporter
SWG Reporter 10/18/22 04:33 PM
Final meeting notes 10_6_222.docx 26 KB Summary from 10_6_22 meeting
Summary from 10_6_22 meeting
Meeting summary 10/14/22 10:33 AM
6PPD Subgroup 9_10_22 Agenda.docx 16.2 KB Agenda for 9_10_22 6PPD Subgroup meeting
Agenda for 9_10_22 6PPD Subgroup meeting
Meeting agenda 09/30/22 02:01 PM
WSUP_SWC Memo.pdf 397.5 KB WSU Proviso letter
WSU Proviso letter
Meeting agenda 09/30/22 11:37 AM
UWT_CUW Memos.pdf 650.3 KB UW letter for Proviso report
UW letter for Proviso report
Meeting agenda 09/30/22 11:35 AM
FINAL Round 4 SAM Study Topic Proposal List.pdf 683.9 KB Final Round 4 list to share (19 topics)
Final Round 4 list to share (19 topics)
Meeting material 09/29/22 12:49 PM
SWGmtgSummary_9.14.22_final.docx 92.5 KB 9/14/22 Meeting summary
9/14/22 Meeting summary
Meeting summary 09/21/22 05:18 PM
9_6_22 S4 meeting summary with links.docx 18.1 KB 9_6_22 S4 Meeting summary
9_6_22 S4 Meeting summary
None 09/14/22 02:36 PM
Round 4 SAM Topic Survey Grouped Results_final.pdf 808.5 KB
None 09/13/22 05:41 PM
2022 SAM Study Topics Survey for Round 4 - Google Forms.pdf 151.4 KB SAM survey
SAM survey
None 09/13/22 05:38 PM
Round 4 SAM Topic Survey Resultsfinal.pdf 783.6 KB Survey summary
Survey summary
None 09/13/22 05:18 PM
Round 4 SAM Study Topic Proposal List 9_6_22.docx 16 KB
Meeting material 09/07/22 01:14 PM
Final SWG agenda 9_14_22.docx 119 KB
Meeting agenda 09/07/22 01:13 PM
LCHSTM Implementation Plan.pdf 10.6 MB Housing here for SWG webpage update
Housing here for SWG webpage update
None 04/28/22 10:36 AM
Third Round SAM Studies.pdf 1.3 MB Housing here for SWG webpage update
Housing here for SWG webpage update
None 04/27/22 09:53 AM
Lower Columbia Habitat Status and Trends Monitoring (LCHSTM) Design.pdf 2.8 MB Housing here for SWG webpage update
Housing here for SWG webpage update
None 04/27/22 09:45 AM
SWGmtgSummary2.9.22_edited.docx 83.7 KB
None 02/17/22 02:13 PM
SWGmtgSummary2.9.22_edited.docx 83.7 KB SWG.2.9.summary
None 02/17/22 10:20 AM
SWGagenda_09Feb2022.docx 102.1 KB
Meeting agenda 02/02/22 03:39 PM
DRAFT_SWGWorkPlanFor2022-23.doc 147 KB
Meeting material 02/02/22 03:25 PM
Washington Stormwater Center Research_2022.pdf 325.6 KB
Meeting material 02/02/22 03:21 PM
Tian et al. 2022. Revised toxicity assessment 6PPD-quinone.pdf 1 MB
Meeting material 02/02/22 03:20 PM
21March2018_Draft_SWGmtgSummary.pdf 232.2 KB March 21, 2018
March 21, 2018
Meeting summary 04/04/18 02:12 PM
SWGReporter34_9January2018.pdf 247.6 KB January 2018
January 2018
SWG Reporter 04/04/18 02:10 PM
SAM PLES February 2018 Recommendations.pdf 1.1 MB March 21, 2018
March 21, 2018
Meeting material 04/03/18 01:16 PM
DraftSWGagenda21Mar2018.pdf 112.2 KB March 21, 2018
March 21, 2018
Meeting agenda 03/19/18 12:46 PM
MuniPermits12.11.17PLANNINGpubmtgAGENDA.pdf 325.5 KB muni permit meeting agenda: long-term MS4 planning
muni permit meeting agenda: long-term MS4 planning
temp housing: SW Mun... 12/05/17 11:02 AM
MuniPermitsLongTermMS4Planning_04December2017.pdf 179.9 KB muni permit framework for long-term MS4 planning
muni permit framework for long-term MS4 planning
temp housing: SW Mun... 12/05/17 11:01 AM

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